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The girl then came back to her senses and pushed Donghyuck with full force.

"Yah!" Ryuji shout as shock overcome her whole body, "If you let me stumbled- we'll not fall!"

"If you didn't let yourself held my wrist then we should not encounter that scene!"

"Ugh! Stupid me!" Ryuji shout more, "Why did you even help me!" "Why don't you just- ugh!!" Ryuji shout.

Donghyuck whose getting irritated of the shout walked up to her, he held her chin making her face him.

"Quiet down honey before I make you mine."

"I'll never be yours." She spatted at him, "Just wait and see Ryuji." He said and left that secret basement.

"Ugh! Stupid stupid Ryuji!" she said smacking her head. "Stop hitting your head." She averted his gaze at the boy whose at the stairs.

"Jaemin." She felt relieved that it's not Donghyuck. "I'm sorry about what happend." He apologize.

Ryuji nodded and smile lightly, "go change your sweating badly." He said "Ah yeah, I was about to do that." She said and walked upstairs Jaemin following her behind.

Avoiding contact with Donghyuck, Ryuji lowered her head and went straight to her room.

Ryuji walked to the closet and grab a plain white t-shirt and shorts, changing into it.

Ryuji whose about to sat on her bed, catch a glimpse of something shiny under the side of the her bed.

She walked towards it and saw her sun keychain, she get it and also saw her bag.

She quickly brought it out and opened it, finding some of her belongings but not her phone.

"Where's my phone?" She mumbled under her breath, she looked at the clock that was on the table 8:47.

She sigh and zipped her bag pushing it back to where she saw it, only getting her sun necklace and putting it aroung her neck.

She put the sun keychain on the table and sat on her bed.

She rubbed her necklace, a tear rolled down to her rosy cheeks.

"I hope your doing fine up there, grandma."

She smiled, memories flooded her head, memories she share with her grandma, when her grandma was hit by a car and everything changed.

Ryuji exhale deeply, wiping her tears and lay on her bed.

Hours passed she still can't go to sleep, Ryuji keep rolling around her bed.

It only mean one thing, she's thinking of something that's why she can't go to sleep.

"Get over it Jeon Ryuji!" She said and messed her hair.

Donghyuck who held her waist for support but unlucky him also tripping making him land on top of her.

One more move their lips would touch.

It keeps bothering her, the way Donghyuck's breath touched her skin, the way Donghyuck's eyes was only at her.

She felt butterflies roaming around her stomach, and she hate it, she hate the fact that he can only do that to her.

Ryuji stand up, opening the door, making her way down to the kitchen.

She took a cup and filled it with water, drinking it. "Your still awake noona?"

"Chenle, um I just can't sleep and it's normal for me to sleep late." Ryuji said to the younger boy, Chenle nodded "Why are you still awake at this hour." Ryuji asked.

"You? Why are you still awake at this hour." Ryuji asked "We also sleep late noona." He said and smiled.

Getting two bags of chips, "Noona I'll head back, goodnight!" Chenle said and walked upstairs with the chips.

Ryuji sighed heavily, she missed school for about 3 or 4 days, she wondered if Miyeon and Seowoo are okay.

Well she'll be out of school for about half of the school year, maybe?

Ryuji went back to her room, she lay at her bed trying to sleep. Luckily she fell asleep.

"We can't tell her honey." Her mom said, Ryuji kept her ears at door, eavesdropping at her parents conversation.

"Then I'll tell her." Her father said.

"She may not handle it lightly."

"Why! She's almost eighteen, why can't we tell her huh? She can handle it." Her father yelled.

"She'll be in danger!" Her mother yelled back.

"She's a fragile child to be dragged into this mess." Her mother said, but this time in a soft tone.

"Honey think about it, Ryuji can be killed by those men." Her mother added.

"Why can't we just tell her that

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