t h i r t y - f o u r

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1 week later
23 days left to go

As early in the morning, Mica was on the bed, it was the day she'll be discharged. Seeing the needle she'll fake put on her hand was scattered on the little table beside her bed.

She stood up and went to the bathroom, she neatly placed the small device on her bag.

She washed her hand and went out, well shit.

All of the six boys were standing there infront of her. "Y-you're alright?" Jisung stuttered.

"Well hello boys." Mica said, making voice to her original tone. "Who are you?" Donghyuck shout gripping to her clothes.

"Tsk, I'm Mica Tuan, the one and only doppelgänger of Jeon Ryuji."

"Where's Ryuji?" Donghyuck asked once again, "Fuck off." Mica said, as she once again went to the bathroom and change clothes, a black leggings and a red strapless crop top, with a matching black jacket.

As she open the door, a gun pointed at her straight in her brain.

"I'm incharge here mister, if you want you girl alive then obey me!" Mica shout as her shoved Donghyuck's arm, twisted it making him kneel in the ground.

"I'm incharge here mister, if you want you girl alive then obey me!" Mica shout as her shoved Donghyuck's arm, twisted it making him kneel in the ground

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Jeons' Residence

"So this is the infamous Jeons' Resident." Mica said as soon as they reached the front of the mansion.

They walked inside and Mica already went to Ryuji's room, when Jaemin's phone rung.

He answered it and put it on a speaker, "Jae- Help me." Ryuji's voice boomed on the phone, the dryness on her tone can be noticed.

"Ryuji! Where are you, hey?"
"Jae, Hyorin's hous- Who told you to call someone- let go off me you bastard, fuc-"

"Ryuji? Hey!" Jaemin shout but the phone died, "We need to go help her, now!" Donghyuck said as he go get some supplies.

"Oh no you don't!" Mica shout as she pointed her red tainted gun towards them. "Jisung, go get some help from the 127." Renjun mumble beside the younger.

Jisung sneakily took his phone out behind Renjun and Jeno's back and messaged the 127 unit and some other group.

"Back off will you." Chenle boldly shout at the girl. "No, and we will get our revenge by killing all of you one by one!"

"What the hell is happening here!"

"Mr. Jeon, great to finally meet you, I'm Mica Tuan, and I work for the Chas' your one and only enemy in life."

"I don't care. Where's my daughter?" Mr. Jeon asked, "It's whether she live or-" Mica slid her hands from left to right, acting like she was slitting her throat.

Mr. Jeon hands' turned to a fist and slowly walked down the stairs.
He reached the first floor and slowly took his gun, but a gunshot interrupt it.

It was Mrs. Jeon, the bullet hit the wooded wall, as she walked fiercely on Mica.

"Don't fucking wait for me to shot you more than you know, tell me where is my daughter!" Mrs. Jeon said as she spit fire to every word that left her mouth.

"You'll never going to find her even if she said that she's in Hyorin's family house." Mica smirked as Ryuji's mother slapped her hard across her face.

"First, if I had the audacity to burn you, I make the most of it. Second, you also had the audacity to also dye your hair the same as my daughter, tsk, pathetic."

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I lowkey stan Ryuji's mother 🤪✨

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