t h i r t y - t w o

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Chenle gulped down the dryness on his throat and went back to where he was originally, playing with a knife with Jisung.

"Hey, are you not tired?" Donghyuck said, helding her hand and caressing it softly.

Save the heart eyes for the real one who you truly love Hyuck.

"I'm fine, Haechan." Donghyuck looked at her amused, it's the first time she called him 'Haechan.'

As Donghyuck caressed the fake Ryuji, he saw a tattoo, in the side of her pinky finger.


"Do you love me?" Hyuck muttered, Mica whose panicking never say a word, she doesn't know if that Ryuji girl really love him.

Pretending not to heard it, she averted her gaze to the ceiling, gladly the nurses came.

"I'm very sorry but visiting time is closed." The nurse said as she opened the doors for them. "It's alright, we'll visit you tomorrow Ryuji." Renjun said as he waved and walked out with the rest.

As soon as everybody went out, she sighed relief, standing up on the coma, taking off the fake needles she stick onto her skin and went to her holpital room's bathroom.

She took out a device, that Yugyeom put on a safe place where only she should know, a device that is connected to them and started to say what had happen earlier.

"Jobs' done, what now." Mica said, "Great job! Now you'll be the fake Ryuji until where done with her." Jaebum said on the line. "Alright."

"Wait!- try to gather information to them alright!" Jackson's voice boomed at the device. "Yeah, sure, you guys already inform me like 5 times already." Mica said before rolling her eyes and but the device to where it was hidded.

"Jeon Ryuji she's awake!" The last thing heard before she turned of the device and walking away.

Taking a seat on the couch, she smirked.

"You'll be drag down Mrs. and Mr. Jeon, you'll pay by seeing you're daughter cry in pain."

She said as she took out a wine and a glass cup under the couch, which was placed by her own brother, Mark Tuan.

"I will crush this job. The more they fell into my trap the more they will get hurt."

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Second update for d-day!

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