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As soon the gang who barged in their house, Jeno asked Ryuji if she wants to train.

"Ryuji, do you want to train?" Jeno asked the girl, Ryuji nodded "I have nothing to do anyway." She said and want to the basement, not waiting for everyone.

Once they all arrived at the basement, Ryuji walked at a platform, in a punching pose, while her right hand gestures one of them to come.

Jeno scoffed "try me young lady." He said and went to the platform while also showing a punching pose.

Ryuji punched while Jeno quickly dodge, Jeno then kicked aiming for Ryuji's foot but Ryuji jumped avoiding it.

Jeno then again about to punch her but she dodged it, again.

"It's now my turn Jeno." She said and kicked his foot, not that hard so that Jeno will be okay.

"Jaemin, cook for that two, they'll be exhausted after that." Donghyuck said to the boy.

"Go with Jaemin, Renjun and Chenle." He said while the two just nodded as a response.

Donghyuck looked back at the two, it's been minutes since they start but he knows Ryuji will not give up easily.

Donghyuck just sat their waiting for the three others whose upstairs preparing thier food. He just let Jeno train her.

Then someone came down running, "Haechan, 127 hyungs came." Renjun said earning the stares.

"Alright we'll come back, Jisung come on, yah you two stop that." Donghyuck said and gestured them to follow him.

"That's the elite gang or something right?" Ryuji asked them and she just earn a nod from them.

They reached the first floor seeing the other guys.

"Is that the girl?" One of them asked "That's her hyung." Jisung said "Go on introduced yourselves." Haechan said.

They all introduced themselves one by one, Ryuji averted her eyes to the last guy.

"The names Jung Jaehyun." He said "Jung Jaehyun." She mumbled "Hey Jaehyun do you know anyone whose name is Jungkook?" Ryuji asked.

Jaehyun nodded "He's one of my friends whose also in a gang." He said.

A gang? Why the hell would he be in a gang? Is his gang a good or bad?"

Noticing that Ryuji was deep in her thoughts, "Ryuji?" Jungwoo asked confused.

"Is he in a good gang or something." Ryuji asked the older boy.

"both." Jaehyun said, Ryuji's breath hitched.

"He's mostly like to help people though with his gang." Jaehyun added which made Ryuji sighed in relive.

"And why do you know him?" he added making the girl turn to her, while the others turn their attention to Ryuji.

Same as Donghyuck expecting some answers from Ryuji.

"Oh I that's because."

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