t w e n t y - f o u r

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"I said let her go."

He said one more time, Ryuji was on the verge of tears because of the strong grip on her neck.

"You ain't my boss to tell me what to do." He said, getting his knife and about to slice Ryuji's neck but stop, widening his eyes.

Donghyuck quickly shot him right in where his heart was. He groaned, falling to the ground.

"Jae, thanks!- Thank you too Hyuck." She said before going to where her mother to help her.

They both smile at each other, and attacked the men with no notice.
Shooting them one by one.

Heavy breathing, both of them unknown to the man behind them, he's about to stab both of them but he was shot.

"Let's put aside the reunion first, there's quite half of them more." Jungkook said reloading his gun.

Minutes of fighting, all of them were exhausted, Ryuji smiled and hug her parents' in relief.

"I still hate you guys, hiding it from me." She said as her parents' laughed. "You're just like me when I'm in your age, I was great in fighting." Her mother said, but her coughed, looking away.

"I was the one who taught that- Ryuji got that because of me."
"Then she got the beauty from me." Her mother said, crossing her arms and scoofed.

"Mum these were the guys who help me- well not exactly." She said in thr matter-of-fact.

"NCT Dream huh, in for the mission?" Her father said, putting his hands in his pockets.
"By the way, you two! Thanks for saving my daughter." Her mother said.
"No worries Mrs. Jeon." Jaemin said smiling.

"You have a charming smile- mind all introducing yourselves?"

And then after they introduced there selves. When the door busted open, "Hyungs! The hell are you doing here?"
Jeno suddenly burst, shocked that they showed.
The NCT 127 came.

"Uh work?" Taeyong said, "There all working now for you?" Ryuji said, "They just started today actually." Her mother said.

"Now Dream,"

All of them then averted their gaze at Ryuji's father.
"At your school, one of our lifetime enemies' child was there. The child will be helding a party. Friday for exactly. I want you to get all of their data and plan by simply hacking it. A computer room, at the last floor, the metal door, all of their data was in there." He said and gesture his wife to continue.

"Use this USB, put it on their computer while you get the data. After that, came her as soon as possible. And you're work is done. Do a great job, we're counting on you guy." Her mother said and hand the USB to Jaemin.

Jaemin looked at it and then at Jisung knowing it's one of their specialties. They both smirked.

"Now another thing, be careful around people in your school. You never knew what to come." Her father remarked and they nodded.

"You guys, for now will be staying here, after the party, you guys can go back to your base, but for now you'll stay here to be safe. Now go, each door have your names on it, meaning it's your room." He added.

"Taeyong gave their names." Her mother said cutting her of.
"Mind telling me whose going to held the party and why the hell you guys know?"

"You guys are in charge of knowing who and we have our ways Ryuji." Her mother said, playfully winking at her.

"I'll take a rest now." She said and her parents nodded, hugging her before both of them went back to work.

"How can my whole week turned into hell?" She mumbled, rolling her eyes, turning to her left, only to find the door, her name imprinted on it.

"Okay but quite lucky that I'm not going up the stairs." Chuckling as she made her way to her room.

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Happy Birthday Mark Lee!!

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