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Natsu's POV
Once we finally got back to the mainland, I could tell there was something wrong with Zeref. He stuck close to Mavis' side, which, now that I think about it, would be completely normal if it weren't for the fact that you could feel the waves of nervousness literally radiating from him. I slightly leaned closer to Lucy's ear as we walked.

"I'm going to go check on Zeref. You stay here and keep walking with the kids." I whispered into her ear.

She barely glanced back at Zeref, before looking up at me. She gave me that bright smile I fell in love with, and nodded, then continued to walk with everyone else. I slowed my pace so that I could match Zeref and Mavis,  seeing as he was staying at the back of the group. I gave Mavis a quick look, telling her I needed to talk to him for a moment, and she smiled, and them sped up to catch up to Lucy.

I looked up to Zeref and watched, slightly amused at the sight of him trying to ignore me. I chuckled a little, catching his attention. He looked over at me and finally said, "What?"

"It's funny. You're trying to ignore me. You and I both know how that usually ends." I said, giving him a grin.

He sighed, but I saw his lips twitch upwards. It was barely noticeable, but it was a start. "What do you want?"

"I want to know what's wrong with you, and don't tell me that there's nothing wrong."

I watched as he brushed his new blond bangs back into place. After he started using this form, it quickly became a habit of his. "I'm nervous, Natsu. I haven't been around so many people in a long time. That and, you know I won't be able to leave my family's side for long. You guys are the only thing that keeps my curse in check. I can't leave you guys for more than three days without it kicking back in. What am I supposed to do?"

I sighed. "I don't know, but I know we'll figure something out. We always do. Between Lucy and Mavis, I bet they'd race to see who could find a cure for you first."

Zeref gave an actual smile at that. It was small, but it was bright and it was visible. The waves of nervousness coming off of him, slowly began to dissipate. I felt he was still a little nervous, but he was doing a lot better.

"Thanks, Natus. You know, at first wasn't sure what Lucy saw in you, but now, I think I'm starting to see it." He replied with a straight face.

"What?!" I asked. How could he do that?! I'm his baby brother! He's supposed to be supportive!

I was broken out of my temper tantrum by stifled giggles and laughs. I looked up to see Mavis' shoulders shaking as she tried to hold in her laughs, meanwhile, Lucy wasn't even bothering to hide it. Luke, like his mother, traitor, didn't bother hiding his laughter, while Nashi giggled under her breath.

"Hey! It's not funny!" I yelled. They simply laughed louder at that. I grabbed Zeref's hand and dragged him up to everyone else. "I thought family was supposed to support each other!" I said.

Lucy lost all self control at that point. She laughed even louder. I gave a her a betrayed look, but then had an idea. I walked behind and then wrapped my arm around her waist. She squealed as I hoisted her into the air and onto my shoulder.

"Natsu! Put me down!" She said, as she pounded on my back. I simply laughed at her futile attempts. Eventually, she gave up and puffed out her blushing cheeks in a pout. "Your not fair." She mumbled.

"And you call me the child in this relationship."

"You almost burned down the kitchen making bread and butter!" She defended, throwing her hands in the air. "Who does that?"

"I did not! It was Nashi, I told you!"

"Shut up, Dad! I was still in bed. I couldn't have done it!" Nashi yelled.

Lucy smirked at me from over my shoulder. I gave Nashi a glare, with no real heat behind it, and said, "Curse you for having your mother's smarts."

I immediately regretted saying that, as I felt a hand hit the back of my head hard enough to make me yelp. I turned my head slightly and glared at Lucy. She simply gave me a sly grin and then said, "You were saying."

"Quit your bickering back there!" I heard Gramps yell. "We're here!"

I looked up to see that while, we were talking, we had made it back to the guild. I looked over to Zeref to see him looking at the building in a mixture of awe, nervousness, and curiosity.

I let Lucy down and we turned to Zeref. We watched as Mavis walked over and pressed a hand to his cheek, catching his attention.

She smiled up at him and said, "Welcome home, love."

And Zeref gave us one of the brightest smiled I have ever seen him give.

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