Chapter 54

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A few hours later...
I look at the clock while the fifth episode of the show played in the background.
"Shawn I think you should get ready" I smile and he side eyes me while a smirk grows on his lips.
"Well go on then!" I exclaim as I tickle his stomach
"Ok ok!" He chuckles, while Shawn gets ready upstairs I grab my phone and begin to call everyone in my contacts.

Shawn's POV
I know I'm 25 but I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited for what I'm getting ready for. I swing open my wardrobe and my eyes scan the many pairs of black jeans, shorts and shirts.
"Hmm this one would look good" I mumble under my breath as I take out my outfit and lay it on the bed. My feet scurry to the bathroom and my pupils meet the large mirror.

Wow I actually look good

I run my fingers through my hair but they get stuck in a knot.

Now that's not normal

I try and untangle the knot but of course I couldn't do it.
"Y/N!" I yell at the top of my lungs as I open the bathroom door. Y/N runs up the stairs and swings open the bedroom door.
"What's wrong?" She pants running over to me but I stop her in her tracks
"Uh uh, you can't look at my outfit" I state
"Well why did you bring me up here?" She asks
"I didn't force you to come up here" I reply
"Really?" She questions 
"Ok I just want you to untangle a knot in my hair that's it" I mumble
"Huh?" She asks
"Untangle the knot in my hair.......pwease?" I say pouting my bottom lip and she rolls her eyes.
"Ugh ok fine" She sighs and I sit on the floor.
"Owwieee!" I exclaim
"Shawn" She states
"Owww!" I yell
"Shawn!" She yells
"Hmm?" I mumble
"I've already untangled it" She says
"Oh" I smile and she gets up
"I love you" I smile
"Yh same you weirdo" She sighs going back downstairs. I quickly hop back into the bathroom then I glide into the shower with ease. I make sure every crevice is clean because why not?

Wait not that I don't clean every part of my body anyways!

Your POV
2 hours later...
I decide to go upstairs because Shawn should be done by now. As I open the door I witness him standing in front of the mirror and fixing up his buttons.
"You gonna leave the top button undone?" I question and he jumps slightly
"Fucking hell Y/N" He smiles turning around
"How long have you been standing there?" He asks
"You don't need to know" I grin
"So this all black outfit is what I shouldn't have seen?" I remark
"Yes it's speciallllll" He whines

What a baby

"Well I'm going to get ready soon" I state walking up to him and placing my hand on where his slightly hairy chest was exposed.
"I doubt your outfit will top mine" He whispers and his warm breath tickled my ear.
"Ok birthday boy" I state and his large hands cupped my chin making me look up into his orbs.
"It's birthday man" He replies quite sternly
"Who said you were more of a man than a boy?" I ask while I smirked playfully
"Hmm do you need a reminder Y/N?" He questions as he licks his plump lips.
"Maybe" I whisper while feeling butterflies in my stomach. My breath hitches slightly as his warm hand met with my upper thigh under my dress.
"Well like I said before I've got to get ready" I state removing his hand from my thigh. I quickly go to the bathroom,go inside and my hands try to lock the door but Shawn pushes the door slightly open so that there's a little crack between the door and the door frame.
"Shawn!" I chuckle
"What?" He smiles
"I need to get ready!What don't you understand?" I smile as he tries fit his whole face through the crack but only manages to get his nose and mouth through.
"Can't you wear what you're wearing now? I mean it's a nice dress" He states and I roll my eyes
"No I can't and I don't want to. Now leave me alone" I giggle poking his nose until he finally moved it and I lock the door.

Wow how have I lived with this for so long?

I've finallllyyy updated this fucking book!!! I'm feeling a lot better now therefore a lot more ideas are flowing through my pea for a brain 😂😂. Anywaysss guys I would recommend not texting people for a while and focus on making urself happy e.g watching good YouTube videos and listening to relaxing music. Perhaps even finding a new artist or genre of music to listen to.

Stay safe and stay inside!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

- Pineapple 🍍

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