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A/N: I'm so excited for this book. It's an action fanfic with the haikyuu boys. i hope you enjoy :P
(These characters don't belong to me, but the plot does)


"Remember y/n after work come straight back we have a meeting to get over with," Sugawara told me. I nodded and placed my phone in my back pocket. I walked out of the dorms and through the kitchen, passing Kageyama yelling because someone left an empty container of milk in the fridge.

I waved to everyone and slipped on my shoes. I exited and closed the door behind me while still hearing the echos of Kageyama's yelling.

I love these boys with all my heart, but sometimes they can be a lot. The Karasuno boys were some of the wealthiest men in Japan right now. Along with the Nekoma Bureau, the Aoba Johsai Organization, the Shiratorizawa Corporation, and the wealthiest being the Fukurodani Enterprise.

What does all of this mean? All these businesses are stand alone banks. A group of men running the most trusted and prestigious banks. And they're all rivals.

I happen to work for the Karasuno Institution and earned the position of co-manager. Alongside me is Yachi Hitoka and Kiyoko Shimizu.

The reason no one fucks with these organizations isn't because the money, but because of the people who run them. It's bad enough all these boys are filthy rich, but they're also about as bad as the American mafia.

If an injustice was served against them, hell would rain very hard. A lot of punishment was required in the beginning when people thought the bank was just a normal place for money, but they soon learned to take it seriously.

To understand this rival better, there's a nice ranking.

The wealthiest to less wealthy:
1- The Fukurodani Enterprise
2- The Karasuno Institution
3- The Shiratorizawa Corporation
4- The Aoba Johsai Organization
5- The Nekoma Bureau

From most powerful to less powerful:
1- The Shiratorizawa Corporation
2- The Aoba Johsai Organization
3- The Fukurodani Enterprise
4- The Karasuno Institution
5- The Nekoma Burea

Fukurodani and Shiratorizawa were the powerhouse banks that had some of the strongest leaders. They were known for their company owners, or as we call them in our inner circle, the captains. And if they had a right hand man, he was named Ace. Both were amazing at their job, but the Fukurodani captain was.. childish.

Aoba Johsai's strength was their independence. They were one together and didn't need anyone else. They were manipulative and clever as fuck. Along with being feared, their captain was charming and could get almost any client he wanted.

Even though Nekoma is fifth in the rankings, that doesn't mean they're weak. Their strength is in their tactics. I sat in for one meeting between Karasuno and Nekoma. The one with the half blonde hair could end all these banks with one idea.

Then Karasuno. We're high enough on the rankings to be respected, but we get lost in the middle. We consider Nekoma our "brother bank." Even though we are rivals, our history with Nekoma is buried into the roots of our institution.

The Karasuno Institution was a bank in the Miyagi prefecture that was known for their trustworthiness and flashy orange banner. We lived a hill over from the bank in the city.

From the top of the hill you could see our orange banner draped over our stone building. Whenever I'd walk with Hinata, he'd always tell me he could see the view of the summit when we got to the top of the hill.

I'd always smile at him and observe the way his eyes widened and how his smile got bigger than normal.

I unlocked the door and turned on the lights. Opening shift started at 6:00 am but the bank opened at 8:00 am. All I had to do was turn on the lights, check the building, clean the counters and windows, and put out pens and stuff.

I was in the back grabbing more pens when I heard knocking on the entrance doors. I sighed. These damn early birds.

I walked out to the front holding a cup full of pens. I walked to the door and saw a man peering inside the door. He looked.. mean. Nevertheless I opened the door slightly to talk to him.

"I'm sorry, the Karasuno Bank is closed right now. Please come back in...." I looked down to my watch. "An hour an- OOF!" He shoved the door open making me drop the cup of pens. The pens dropped from the cup and rolled in different directions.

"Sir I-" I was shut up when he took out a cloth and wrapped it over my nose. Chloroform. I choked and tried to fight back. We sank to the floor. He pulled my into his chest and restricted my movement.

"Just- ehr- give up!" He grunted. He was strong. If Daichi or Tanaka we're here they could help, but I was opening the bank alone.

My brain was spiraling from my struggling mixed with my need for air. My body became heavier until it was limp and I was unconscious.

~time skip~

"Nice recieve!" A happy voice sung. My mind seemed to slowly wake up, but then quickly race to conclude what had happened to me.

"Thats not a receive that's a kidnapping," a deeper voice replied. I could hear the physical slap and a following "ow."

I couldn't see. A blindfold wrapped around my head I assumed. "Please..." I started. I could hear a car running and a presence accompanying me.

I felt hands untying the back of the blindfold. The blindfold dropped and I first noticed I was in a car.

"I'm Oikawa Tooru," the captain of the Aoba Johsai organization sat next to me. Fuck he was pretty. "I'm sure you know who I am, seeing that we seem to be permanent occupants of the top five most powerful and wealthiest banks," he smiled.

I only looked up at him. What the fuck was I supposed to say?

"What time is it?" I asked. Oikawa seemed to be surprised by my first words. He tilted his head to the side and looked to the person beside me. We were in a car. The man who kidnapped me was driving and I was in the back between Aoba Johsai's captain and ace.

He leaned in front of me and faced Oikawa. "12 pm," he said. I could see both the captain and ace were standing in front of me.

I smiled which made them uneasy. They masked their emotions well, as the effect of their intimidation was dripping of me.

If it was 12 pm the boys will know I'm not at the bank. They go in at 11 am for work and deals. They'll check cameras and find me. There was nothing to worry about.

A/n: I know there are errors :(

started may 12, 2020

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