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Y/n's POV

I woke up in my bed and sat up. I was still in the oversized shirt and shorts, and found myself cold. I snuggled down into the blankets and closed my eyes again.

But the breakfast knock. "Yeah?" I said from underneath the blankets. The door opened and footsteps made their way to my bed.

"'Morning y/n" Kunimi's voice came though. I heard him set the tray on the small table next to the couch. I peeked our from the bed and saw Kunimi leaning against the back of the couch and looking at the ground.

"From now on Kindaichi will not be seeing you. It seems he caught feelings for you..." Kunimi said quietly. I sat up and looked at him.

"Oh okay," I said after a pause. Kindaichi why? Why were you so obvious?

Kunimi left and I ate my breakfast. So what was going to happen today? Kunimi and I hanging out the whole day? That would be a little awkward.

Maybe I could get Yahaba and Kyoutani to hang out too. I thought as I picked apart my milk bread. Maybe we could bake something together? I looked at the button next to the door.


"Okay bed time," Kunimi announces after a few episodes. I glanced at his watch and slightly pout.

"It's 5 pm... I haven't eaten diner yet," I protested but they started escorting me down to my room.

"We'll bring you dinner. The rest of the evening you'll stay here. We stay down here too, but in dorms so if you need anything press the button by the door and we'll be there," Kindaichi explained.

*end of flashback*

I'd never pushed the button. Was it for emergencies? All I wanted was to go to the grocery store..

I walked over and pushed the button. I waited for a half a minute before I heard numerous footsteps coming closer by the second.

The door slammed open and Kyoutani, Yahaba, Kindaichi, Mattsun, Makki, and Kunimi rushed in with guns. I yelped and backed away behind the couch.

"Y/n what the fuck?" Kyoutani yelled and stomped over to me. He grabbed me by the back of the shirt and yelled at me. I whimpered and tried to get away from him.

"Kyoutani stop!" Iwaizume's voices rang through the room. "Take your hands off her." Kyoutani aggressively let go and huffed.

"Y/n why did you push the button?" Oikawa came though and knelt beside me.

"No one told me what would happen if I pushed it..." I told them. If they knew I unintentionally made them come in here with guns and screaming just for me to ask if I could go shopping... they'd probably kill me.

"Who was giving you the instructions?" Oikawa asked. I looked at them all and saw Kindaichi looking away.

"I can't remember."


"I'm sorry"

They all exited except Oikawa, who was still knelt beside me.

"Y/n once your crows do as we say, you're a free bird. Until then, don't push the button and remember your limits. I know you've had a little fun, but if Karasuno doesn't do something soon.. you're our leverage," he said. He got up and walked out of my room and closed the door.

After a second I started crying. It was becoming so real. I was a hostage.

*the next day*

-Kageyama's POV-

We all sat there once agin in the conference room. We had taken multiple breaks because people got angry, frustrated, or just exhausted.

Daichi's ringtone cut trough the silence and we all looked him. "It's y/n," he said and answered and her voice came through.

"Daichi please listen to me. They're taking me somewhere else, but they want you to watch. I'm going to get into a car on the top level the parking garage at the corner of Shinganshina road and Trost parkway at 7am. They'll meet you there to discuss things so you have to go. They're forcing you to stand by and watch me leave," she said panicked and stuttering. We watched Daichi for a reaction.

"Y/n were going to get you back we-" Daichi started rushing his words, but was interrupted.

"Nuh-uh-uh," Oikawa's voice came through. "Go on y/n."

"Daichi..." her voice broke as she started. "They'll hurt me if you try anything..."

"Y/n I promise you we'll get you back," Kuroo said as Daichi has his hand over his mouth, clearly upset.

"Kuroo?" Her voice came through. You could tell by the change of tone she smiled when she heard his voice.

"Hi y/n," he said and gave a small chuckle. It faded quickly as Oikawa's voice came though.

"You heard her Daichi, meet us there tomorrow and remember the rules," he hung up and we all looked at Daichi and Kuroo. Silence found it's way back into the room and we sat in awkwardness.

"Suga, Tsukishima, Kema, Kuroo, Yaku, Kageyama, you'll be coming with me tomorrow," Daichi decided. "Everyone else... clear out."

Everyone obeyed and the remaining sat together.

"I only picked you all because I know you're smart. I know when I get mad, you'll be there to think for me. I'm not depending on you to take control, but trusting you to back me up," he said. Even though he worded it odd, we all knew he was putting his trust in us to do the right thing.

"Daichi get some rest..." Sugawara said. He didn't mean it as a belittling movement, but a meaning of care. He nodded and we all dispatched.

I was walking to our room with all our mats on the floor when I decided to go into the kitchen for some milk. I entered and saw Hinata sitting by the dining table.

"Hey dumbass get to bed," I said and yawned.

"What if we don't get y/n back?" He asked. He turned to me with tears brimming on his eyes.

"Don't say that, we're going to get her back," I told him and got a milk box. I sat next to him and saw the tears fall on the table.

"I'll make sure of it Hinata," I said and left him at the table.

A/n: stuff is about to go DOWN

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