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-y/n's POV-

"Is someone gonna say why the tension in here is so heavy?" Goshiki asked. I looked at Tendou and he looked to Semi. Semi looked at me and I looked down. This went on for another minute.

"What the fuck happened?" Shirabu asked looking at us.

"Tendou made a move on y/n," Semi said and everyone started yelling.

"Tendou you creep!"

"Y/n are you okay?"

"How far did you get?"

"Did it actually happen?"

"Y/n why would you want that?"

"I thought it would be y/n and Yamagata"

"I wish"

"Everyone shut up!" Semi yelled. "They didn't do anything. I stopped it before it started. Geez you act like you all called dibs or something," Semi said and shook his head.

"Well because Yamagata did," Ushijima said while continuing to eat his milk bread that he learned to love.

We all looked to Ushijima and then to Yamagata. A look of shock lingered on all of our faces except Ushijima, who had his usual expression and Yamagata, who looked like he wanted to punch Ushijima.

"Tendou I made a move on y/n first. Does bro code mean anything to you?" Yamagata asked really about to throw punches.

"You made a move??" Tendou asked.

"Yeah we almost kissed!" He replied and stood up.

"Well I was on top of her!" Tendou stood up as well.

Some gasped and Goshiki was clutching Shirabu for support. Poor baby had the same look on his face now as when he watched Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

By now I wanted to climb under the table and die. I put my elbows on the table and rested my face in my hands.

I felt a pat on my back and turned to see Reon standing behind me giving me a sympathetic look. I gave a small smile and laid my head on the table.

"Well look at that! Y/n died because of your stupidity," Tendou said to Yamagata and was held back by Semi.

"Be quiet," the loud voice of Ushijima rang through the room. Everyone froze and he held his phone up to his ear.

-Third Pearson's POV-

A few minutes before Ushijima's phone rang, Karasuno and Aoba Johsai was finalizing their plans. Both were relieved this would come to an end.

"Yes we agree. Tomorrow bring y/n for the trade off," Daichi said into the phone. In the room with him stood Kuroo and Sugawara. "Okay..... yeah we know.... sure.." he said and hung up. "We're getting her back tomorrow," he said and they let out a breath they seemed to be holding.

"I'll go tell everyone," Sugawara said and exited the room. It would be bitter sweet for Karasuno, knowing they'd loose buisness but Gain back y/n.

Over at Aoba Johsai they celebrated shortly. A few slaps on the back and a happy tone on the air. They had won over Karasuno this time.

Iwaizume actually smiled back at Oikawa sending him into a happiness overload and Mattsun and Makki jumped onto each other.

After a small celebration Iwaizume called Ushijima to tell him to get y/n to Aoba Johsai either that day or the next for the trade off.

This is where Ushijima yelled over everyone's voices so he could hear Iwaizume. Once he got the news, he hung up and looked at y/n.

"Y/n you're going home," he said shortly and finished his breakfast. Everyone glanced at her and was confused at her expression.

For a split second her mind told her she was already home, but she mentally punished herself for betraying Karasuno like that. She looked sad from the outside, but was actually confused.

She was really going to miss these people.

"Okay," was all she said, but she wanted to say so much more. She wanted to tell them how much she had grown to love them and how much she'd miss them.

-y/n's POV

After eating, Ushijima, Tendou, and Semi got a car ready to drive to Aoba Johsai. They all went out to the garage to pack the car.

I watched the door close and I quickly turned to the remaining Shiratorizawa members.

"I don't have a lot of time, but I promise I'll see you all again. I'm going to make sure if it. I don't care if we're rivals I'm going to bring peace to the banks," I said quickly with tears forming in my eyes.

They didn't say anything, but Kawanishi walked up to me and gave me a hug. Goshiki and then others followed. My crying was muffled by them giving into a group hug.

They backed off and I thanked them for their compassion.

"Remember I'll see you again," I told them and wiped off my tears.

A minute later Ushijima, Semi, and Tendou came back in and went straight to the dorms. They came back up with their small luggage and a pair of handcuffs.

"Sorry y/n but you have to wear these again," Semi said as he put the handcuffs onto my wrists. For the last three days I hadn't had to wear them at all. It kinda hurt but I understood why they needed them on me.

"Reon, Yamagata, you're in charge until we get back. I'll call and check up tonight," Semi said and they led me to the door.

"Bye," I said quietly and some gave a small wave. I was put into the back with Tendou while Ushijima drove and Semi sat in the passengers side.

It was a long drive back to Aoba Johsai. I decided to pass the time and try and get some sleep. I leaned over on Tendou's shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Ehh?" He questioned and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. Not in a romantic way, but a caring way.

"I'm gonna miss you," I said so only he could hear me. He gave my shoulder a small squeeze for reassurance and laid his head against mine.

Semi saw us but didn't say anything. Ushijima saw from the rear view mirror, but kept quiet as well. I mentally thanked them for letting me have this last moment.

A/n I'm hoping this book can go to at least 20 chapters ?

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