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Y/n's POV

"Yeah are you glad we're playing strip poker?" I teased Yamagata as he just took off his shirt. My eyes widened as I saw his toned abs.

"Are you glad we're playing this now?" He laughed at me as I was still gawking at his abs. Tendou poker me and I looked away, clearly blushing.

"Just start the next round," I mumbled.

Shirabu delt the cards and about five rounds later, I had lost both socks and my shirt. Fortunately I still had a bra, shorts, and underwear on.

"Geez why are you all so good at this? Isn't it supposed to be about luck or something?" I asked frustrated and started slipping off my shorts.

"Yeah we've played poker with some of our more luxurious clients," Goshiki bragged.

"That and we can count cards," Yamagata said and Tendou high fived him.

My jaw dropped and I pulled my shorts back on. "I'm done. I'm not going to strip if the game's rigged," I said and gathered my clothes.

Of course I wasn't too mad at them. I had gone though training courses with Karasuno and was as toned as them, so they weren't the only ones with abs.

By the time I had quit, everyone was shirtless and missing a sock or something.

I walked back to my room, which went through the living room, and pulled my socks on so the tile wouldn't be too cold. I walked into the living room and saw Ushijima, Semi, and Kawanishi sitting on the couch with their backs turned to me.

How was I supposed to get past them without them seeing me half naked. The hallway to the dorms was parallel from the front of the couch.

I walked as quietly as I could, but Kawanishi got up for a drink. He got up with his head down and noticed my feet standing there. His eyes followed to my eyes, then lowered to my chest, then looked quickly anywhere else.

He made a small squeak and Semi and Ushijima turned around. Their eyes widened and I ran. I ran right down to my room and shut the door.

"WHYY?" I yelled and put my shirt back on as soon as I entered my room and shut the door. I crawled on my bed and sighed, thinking about the last hour.

-Tendou's POV-

After y/n quit we quit too. If we continued it would have been weird. Shirabu and Goshiki decided to go play volleyball and I decided to go bug y/n more.

I walked into the kitchen still half dress and looked at Kawanishi with a glass of water and a deep blush.

"Ehh Taichi, why are you so flustered?" I asked him and he moved away from me. He noticed I was shirtless and paused for a moment.

"Why are you and y/n half dressed?" He asked and Seni and Ushijima turned around. "And coming from the same way? Are you going to her room?" He asked and I thought he might pass out.

"Yeah Tendou why was y/n half dressed and angry?" Semi asked in curious and sarcastic tone.

"None of your business.." I said and shook my head. "That's between y/n and I," I finished with a smirk on my face.

Semi's eyes widened and Ushijima walked over to me. Since I alouched Wakatoshi towered over me with an intimidating aura.

"Did you two have-"

"No!" I interrupted him and waved him off. I continued to y/n's room while leaving them behind.

I knocked on her door and she just told me to come in. When she saw who was entering her room she threw a pillow at me.

"I'm embarrassed go away!" She said and I took the pillow. She had buried her face in her pillows again and groaned.

I raised the pillow and snapped it onto her back. She whined and grabbed one of her pillows. She smacked me with it and I didn't move. Her smile went away as soon as she saw me looking down at her with a dominant aura.

Her eyes seemed to widen like a puppy's and she shrank back. I grabbed my pillow and raised it above my head.

"Please Tendou have mercy?" She said and I brought the pillow down on her multiple times. She started to fight back with her pillow and I jumped on her bed to get the higher ground.

After one more good whack I put the pillow down and realized I was straddling her waist and she was clutching a pillow while laying on her back.

She seemed to blush when she realized what I realized already. I stared at her.

I looked at her face and thought of how gorgeous she was. She smiled and asked me why I was staring.

I brought my face down to hers and kissed her rougher than I intended. Her lips were warm and they moved with mine after a small second.

She brought her hand up to my face and pulled me closer. My hand roamed to her waist and she said something.


"TENDOU," she repeated and I blinked. "What are you staring at?" She asked and I realized I hadn't moved. It wasn't real. "You've been staring at my face, and mostly lips, for un normal amount of time," she lightly smiled.

"I- uh.." I started and she looked at me amused. "Nothing about me is normal," I replied and looked away.

She squinted at me with doubt, but her expression turned with a hint of pain. "Also Tendou get off me, you weigh a ton," she said and poked my chest.

I pouted and crossed my arms. "Are you calling me fat?" I asked and she gasped.

"No! I would never! I'm just saying you're crushing my tiny bones," she said and poked me again.

"Geez y/n if you wanna feel my abs, just say so, you don't have to poke me," I said and she looked like she was going to punch me.

"What the fuck is happening?" Semi asked from the doorway.

"Oh," I said and looked back and forth between me and Semi. "Mom it's not what it looks like," I said and y/n agreed.

"Yeah mom- uh Semi, it's not," she agreed and nodded her head.

"Then what the fuck is this? I hear y/n's bed hitting against the wall and YOU on top of her! She's a hostage Tendou!" He was yelling and scrambling around.

I got off of Y/n and tried to calm mom down. Sometimes she gets like this when she's stressed.

A/n aww one more day with Shiratorizawa

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