Story ideas for fun

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Idk I have so many ideas but I never think I'll write them, but I want others to know about them so I'll just write them here ;)


So it'd be one team that owns a speakeasy. A speakeasy is a 1930's style bar that sold illegal alcohol and sometimes had music. Y/n would be a singer/entertainer and would work at the speakeasy. Of course one character from the team would fall for you and your beautiful voice.
And since it's obviously not the 1930's anymore, I might make it more hardcore mafia themed where instead of alcohol it would be drugs or something.
Whichever team I'd choose, the captain would be the x reader just because he's the boss. But imagine Ushijima being like:
"Tendou who's that singer you hired?"
"Oh that's Y/n. She's good isn't she?"
"Yes, I couldn't help but notice her.."
Or... OR get this:
"Just give her a listen Oikawa. Don't be jealous she's prettier than you"
"That's rude Iwa, I know she's pretty... I can't stop thinking about what she could do with that pretty mouth of hers"
That was cringy sorry


This idea is a Kurooken story. It would be called Heather. See y/n likes Kuroo but is a second year. And Kuroo likes Kenma and kenma likes Kuroo. So the story goes on building relationships until Kuroo graduates and you're left with Kenma, but you can't help but feel jealous of him that he was so much closer to Kuroo than you.
And to be cheesy Kuroo watches Kenma, gives him his own sweater, and unknowingly is mesmerized by Kenma.
Ya that's the idea. It wouldn't be so sad, but just disappointing.

Also I am working on the sequel to nice receive.


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