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Daichi's POV

"Listen up everybody. Y/n is no longer with Aoba Johsai, but somewhere else. Her location is unknown and whoever has her is unknown as well. We do know from Oikawa that she is going somewhere safer," I told everyone. It was a pull between relief and worry.

"We'll meet Aoba Johsai again same day, same time next week," Kuroo said. "By then we'll get y/n back, we'll make sure of it."

We all nodded and exited the meeting room. Hinata walked beside me along with Kenma.

"Kageyama what else did y/n say that could have been a hint?" Kenna asked and looked at the ground as usual. He had bailed at the last moment when going to the parking garage.

"Tsukishima told you everything. She mentioned Double Jeopardy and told Hinata to smile," I told him.

Helpless. We were all helpless against the situation.

"Aoba Johsai wouldn't do something so stupid to put themselves in a position to go to war with Karasuno," Kenma said as we reached the living room. We sat down and he continued to talk. "Someone framed you and put this plan into Aoba Johsai'd head. But who could that be?"

Hinata and I exchanged looks. Johzenji? Dateko?

"Sugawara!" Hinata calles as he was walking by. Suga stopped and walked o we to us.

"Has Karasuno had bad blood with Johzenji or Dateko?" Hinata asked him. Sugawara thought for a second and shook his head.

"No but we can call them and see if they know anything," he said and pulled out his phone. He dialed a number and put it on speaker.

"Karasuno? Are you trying to drag us into your little war?" A voice yelled. Johzenji.

"No not at all.. we were wondering if you had any information on why this was all happening," Suga said and waited for Terushima to speak again.

"No sorry, but your problem with Aoba Johsai has been public to a lot of the banks in Japan," he said. It was probably true, but we didn't really pay attention to the other banks right now.

Sugawara thanked him and hung up. "Now we can try Dateko?" He suggested. "Oh but I don't have their number.."

Hinata jumped up and pulled out his phone. "I do! Kogane gave and asked everyone for their contact information," he said and beamed while filing the number. He put it on speaker.

"Hello?" Kogane's voice came through. "Hinata are you okay? I've heard Karasuno is really struggling right now," he said.

"Yeah that why we called," Hinata started. "Do you guys happen to have any information about Aoba Johsai and our situation?"

There was a pause before an answer. "Do you think we'd go against you Karasuno?" Aone's voice asked and we all froze.

"No..." Sugawara said slowly.

"Aone give me the phone!" Kogane's voice muffled with the background. "Sorry about that. And sorry we don't have anything helpful," he said now clearly.

We hung up and looked at each other.

"I think the smart thing would be to give up the clients," Kenma said very quietly.

We had a choice between y/n or 50 clients. Aoba Johsai definitely wasn't going to let us have both. No one replied to Kenma, which made him uncomfortable, but we all felt bad for thinking the same.

For waiting this long to realize how easy this choice was. Y/n or money.

"We'll wait this week and do some more thinking and if it comes down to that I think you're right Kenma," Suga said sadly.

Y/n's POV

"Let's Watch a movie!" Tendou exclaimed and we all agreed. I was with Yamagata making popcorn while listening to the boys in the other room trying to pick a movie.

"I uh heard you've favored Shirabu," Yamagata said and caught my attention. I looked at him and shrugged.

"Stupid Tendou can't keep his mouth shut," I laughed and Yamagata moved closer to me. He laughed along until he focused on me with an intense look.

"Too bad, I was kind of hoping it'd be me," he said and stood in front of me, my back leaning against the counter. He moved closer and looked down to me staring up at him.

He tilted my head up and ducked his head down to my neck. I felt his breath on my skin and my breathing became heavy.

He placed a small kiss on my neck and pulled away and tended to the popcorn. "How long has it been since you've had intimate contact?" He asked.

I mentally counted in my head. "About two weeks," I replied and felt... weird. A small smile played on his lips and he laughed quietly to himself. He glanced up at me with a seductive look and I thought right there he was going to try something. Not that I'm complaining.

At the moment I thought he was going to make a move, Goshiki slid onto the kitchen tile in socks.

"Y/n! Sit by me! We're gonna watch A Silent Voice because Tendou said it was really funny," Goshiki said and looked back and forth at Yamagata and I.

"Did I interrupt something?" He asked and backed away slowly.

"Uh.. nope we were discussing how much butter should go on popcorn," I said and looked at him. "You're stupid you should use a whole stick of butter not a half!" He laughed at me and I followed Goshiki to the living room.

I sat next to him and was lost by why Tendou said A Silent Voice was "funny."

Towards the end of the movie we were all basically screaming at the tv.





I was in tears by the end and was gripping onto Goshiki. I buried my face in the blanket we shared and emited a muffled wail.

He put his arm around me and laughed sympathetically at my reaction. "Y/n It's okay! It's okay! They're gonna be okay!" You're okay right? Right?" He asked and just got more concerned.

-third person POV-

The scene of Goshiki and Y/n sharing a blanket while practically cuddling brought unease to others in the room.

One being Shirabu who was y/n's supposed favorite.

Another being Yamagata who was jealous of both Shirabu and Goshiki.

And Tendou. Something in him didn't like the thought of them like that.

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