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Kuroo's POV

"Y/n's been taken by Aoba Johsai."

"Y/n?" I asked for clarification. Daichi confirmed it and I sighed. "Wh- Do you have a plan?" I asked. Karasuno being our Brother Bank made us close even though we're rivals. Close enough to be concerned and just as angry as Karasuno right now.

"We can't do this alone. We can't get her back by ourselves, Aoba Johsai is too powerful," Daichi said. I could hear his frustration.

"Aoba Johsai is in Tokyo as well, come to us and we'll figure it out together. You can stay for as long as needed," I told him. I knew he'd probably try to refuse, but this time he agreed.

This time he was desperate.

"Take the next train here tomorrow and we'll have a plan by this time tomorrow," I said and waited for his answer.

"Kuroo this is Sugawara, Daichi had to get some fresh air. Everything sounds good, we'll see you tomorrow," Sugawara spoke into the phone. I must have been on speaker phone.

We hung up and I called everyone for a meeting. They came slowly into the room I was in looking confused.

"Our brother bank Karasuno needs our help. This is concerns everyone and everyone will help," I sighed looking at my team. "Y/n's been kidnapped."

Everyone, even Kenma was shocked. Kenma put his head down as others started questioning the situation.

"I don't have much information for this, but Karasuno is coming tomorrow and we're going to work together. Right now we put aside our competition and focus of y/n. I think we can all agree we want her to be safe," I said and everyone agreed.

Y/n's POV

I was having fun actually. We were watching a movie in the living room. Kindaichi, Kunimi, and I had gathered Yahaba, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa. Yes it made me miss my Karasuno boys, but the Aoba Johsai guys were being really nice to me.

...especially nice from Yahaba...

We were half watching Star Wars episode three and half goofing off. Hanamaki, or Makki and Matsukawa, or Mattsun we're pretending to be Anakin and Padme.

"Oh Padme. I'll kill everyone around us to be with you!" Mattsun said dramatically sinking into the arms of Makki.

"Well if there were no more people, I'd have to be with you!" Makki said while holding Mattsun.

Yahaba, seated next to me, threw a handful of popcorn we had made at the two. They laughed and tied to catch it in their mouths, clumsily launching their bodies around the room.

"What the fuck?" Iwaizume's voice came from behind us. We all froze and I didn't dare look back at him.

"Iwaizume it's not what it looks like we-" Kindaichi started but was interrupted.

"I honestly don't care what is happening here, but turn off Star Wars before Oikawa sees and gets his lightsabers and his Jedi robe. I don't want to hear him talking about it all through dinner," he said and walked out of the room.

We obeyed and switched to Friends. After this eventful evening it was hard to believe these guys could kill me at any time. I mean every powerhouse bank was capable of ending a life financially and physically.

"Okay bed time," Kunimi announces after a few episodes. I glanced at his watch and slightly pout.

"It's 5 pm... I haven't eaten diner yet," I protested but they started escorting me down to my room.

"We'll bring you dinner. The rest of the evening you'll stay here. We stay down here too, but in dorms so if you need anything press the button by the door and we'll be there," Kindaichi explained. He moved inside the room with me and took my hands in his.

My hands were still in handcuffs and super sore from them. I looked down at our hands confused until he pulled out a key. He took the handcuffs off and closed the door after leaving.

I sighed and laid down in my bed. Yeah today was kind of fun, but I miss my life. I miss Suga and Kageyama and Tsuki...

My bed was in the corner of the room opposite of the door. I laid so I face the wall and I pulled the blanket over me. I closed my eyes and realized how much shit could go down soon.

Tears. Tears were falling onto my pillow. I didn't belong here. Why was I having fun? I felt guilty.

I took a sharp inhale and shook as I exhaled it. I laid in my sadness for a while since there was nothing else to do. (Quarantine be like...)

I was on my back still crying when a knock on my door startled me. I got up and walked to the door. "Yeah?" I said quietly. The door opened swiftly and there stood Kindaichi.

"Here's your dinner.. sorry it's-" he stopped and looked at me. His presence softened and he handed the plate to me wordlessly. I took it from him and thanked him quietly.

"Y/n are you okay?" He asked cautiously. I tried to speak, but my voice failed me and I started crying again. He put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me into a hug.

It took me by surprise, but I leaned into the hug and cried into his shirt. I put my arms around him and hugged him back.

"I'm just homesick," I said and we pulled away. He nodded and looked at the ground. He was so tall I couldn't help but think if that's what hugging Tsukishima is like.

-Kindaichi's POV-

I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. If I got caught doing this I'd be severely punished, but when y/n cried it wasn't fair.

I don't get it. This morning we were bickering and now she's crying on me. Even if I didn't like her I wouldn't push her off me. But that's the problem.

I do like her.

A/n: ... Kindaichi tho being all soft

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