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-Sugawara's POV-

I walked up to Daichi and sat next to him in the big meeting room. It was just the two of us in there at the moment.

"Daichi I think we just need to give up the clients," I told him and he put his head down.

"I know that's probably the right choice, but we might not get to this status for another two years. And before you tell me I'm being selfish, y/n worked extremely hard for that status too," he said.

I knew he wasn't trying to be selfish. Right now Daichi was just thinking about the company instead of y/n. But the thing about y/n is that she is independent. She can take care of herself and I'm sure she is safe.

With all the chaos going on it could destroy the remaining peace between Aoba Johsai and Karasuno if they hurt her. But then again she wasn't even at Aoba Johsai now.

"I know Daichi, but Aoba Johsai isn't going to step down any time soon," I said and and he got up from his seat. I stood up as well.

"Suga I don't think there is a right choice here," he said and I hugged him. He hugged back and I could tell how stressed he was. Of course since he was our leader he had to be strong, but I've known him for so long I can tell when he's breaking.

"I think we need to tell everyone about this decision, see if anyone objects," he said and pulled away. I smiled at him and left to get everyone together.

"Hey guys, we're having a meeting. Be in the meeting room in five minutes," I said through the rooms. Kageyama walked alongside me after hearing me.

"Did you guys figure something out?" He asked.

"Maybe, you'll see in the conference room," I told him. I knew a lot would be happy for y/n, but the consequences on Karasuno would mean a lot of hard work.

Once everyone was in the meeting room Daichi started talking about the plan. A few exchanged glances and a few looked confused.

"That's it? We're just going to give up?" Tanaka asked. "Shouldn't we fight for our company?" He was angry. Or maybe just frustrated that we couldn't have both.

"We're not giving up Tanaka, we're making a sacrifice," Asahi said. "I think this is the best way to go. Maybe not the right way, but we can't be successful and not have y/n."

"I think this is our only option," Tsukishima said. "They have the upper hand and we have nothing."

"We have to think of our team, we can't just go on without y/n. She's family," Kageyama said. Everyone looked at him shocked.

Before he worked for Karasuno he was a bounty hunter. A one man job. Coming from Kageyama that meant a lot.

"All in favor of giving up the clients raise your hand," Daichi said.

Everyone raised their hand. Even Nekoma who didn't really have to vote.

"Alright, in two days we'll be meeting Aoba Johsai again. I'll bring her back this time. I promise," he said and everyone held their breath.

We all left the meeting room and separated into our small friend groups. Yaku came over to me.

"I think you guys made the right choice," he mentioned. I looked at him and he gave a sympathetic smile.

"I really hope we did," I replied and continued talking with him.

-y/n's POV

When I woke up, Tendou decided I could eat with all of them instead of my room. So he brought me up to the main level.

They all looked so adorable. All of them in their sleepwear and yawning, trying not to fall asleep on the table. I smiled at them and took a seat next to Shirabu.

Because it was the only seat left open.

Tendou looked at me and squinted. "That was my seat."

I started to get up but Shirabu grabbed my arm. "Go sit somewhere else Tendou," he said and I sat back down awkwardly.

Tendou huffed and then dramatically fell right into Ushijima's lap. "Tendou what are you doing? I can't eat my food with you blocking the way," Ushijima said concerned about his food.

"I guess you could say I blocked you Wakatoshi," he said and looked back at Ushijima's stoic expression. Next thing we knew Tendou was shoved off of Ushijima's lap and onto the floor.

He whined and then got up looking for another person to sit on. He made eye contact with me and I looked down as quickly as I could.

"Ehh Y/n you wouldn't mind sharing your seat with me would you?" He asked and walked over to me.

"I uh I guess not.." I said and moved closer to Shirabu. Tendou sat next to me and I was sandwiched between them.

"Y/n can I get you anything to eat?" Reon asked and I looked at him as he got up from his seat.

"Do you guys have milk bread?" I asked and everyone froze.

"Y/n you spent too much time with Oikawa didn't you?" Semi asked me and I shrugged.

"He should have come to Shiratorizawa," Ushijima said and everyone looked at him.

"Well at least we got that out of him early in the day," Yamagata laughed.

After breakfast Tendou and I sat in the living room alone until he called in Yamagata, Goshiki, and Shirabu.

It was a little awkward and I think that was Tendou's intention. "So.. do you guys wanna do something together?" I asked into the small silence.

They worked at each other and at me trying to silently communicate and decide on something to occupy ourselves with.

"We can play truth or dare?" Goshiki suggested.

"Are you a middle schooler?" Shirabu asked.

"I think strip poker is more fitting for our age group," Yamagata smirked.

"Strip poker it is!!" Tendou exclaimed and jumped up. "I'll go get the cards!"

A small panic spread though me and I looked at Yamagata. His eyes flicked to mine and he stared me down until I looked away.

He smirked again and noticed Shirabu was a deep shade of red. Goshiki noticed too.

"Shirabu are you breathing?" Goshiki asked and earned a hard smack across his face from Shirabu. My eyes widened and I exchanged looks with Yamagata who was laughing extremely hard.


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