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-Third person's POV-

"I have to admit I miss having Y/n around.." Mattsun said and Makki agreed with him.

"Yeah she was always down for whatever.. I wish it wasn't like this.. you know?" Makki said. Everyone was gathered around the meeting room except Oikawa and Iwaizume who were running late. And everyone agreed.

"I feel like this put a bigger wall between our banks," Kindaichi commented.

Even though Karasuno and Aoba Johsai has grudges and competition, some always wanted a friendly competition rather than a forever rivalry.

Y/n was only one person after all, but her impact on everyone was huge. Everywhere she went people loved her and wanted to be her friend. Karasuno, Nekoma, Aoba Johsai, And Shiratorizawa had one common liking and that was y/n.

For Aoba Johsai they had her for about a week and then sent her to Shiratorizawa. Even Kyoutani missed her taunting and Kindaichi missed her smile.

They probably wouldn't see her again after the mess of the current situation unless it was in a meeting. Even then tension would stand between them.

The thought of her not being in their life again hurt them. Aoba Johsai didn't have a girl manager and some team members thought getting one would help them, but none would come close to y/n.

Soon the Shiratorizawa boys would feel this too. The time they have with her would be fun, but then more and more valuable as time went on without her.

Even if y/n got out of this mess she couldn't just visit them. It would be like turning her back on Karasuno. Her original family.

Around the same time the Aoba Johsai boys were missing y/n, Nishinoya hid in the bathroom trying not to make noise crying, Yamaguchi stepping outside to think, Tsukishima blaming himself.

At Shiratorizawa, Goshiki laid on his bed still thinking about how she had been so close to him, Shirabu wondered if Tendou lied to him even though he saw your blush, and Tendou thought about all the fun things you all could do the next day. He just didn't think about all the things you guys couldn't do when you had gone back to Karasuno.

Y/n would never know the impact she made on these boys and how much she had slowly grown to mean to them.

Then again the Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa boys would never know she felt guilty for wanting a normal relationship with each and every one of them. Guilty for what she thought was betraying Karasuno.

"Am I not satisfied with only Karasuno?" She'd ask herself.

It's not a satisfaction problem, but a hope for peace and relationships.

Y/n thought about this and couldn't help but cry. Why did he have to get so attached? Why did she have to love them all so much?

Was she stupid for being friendly and trying to make herself feel like less of a hostage?

She saw this as an opportunity to see the other banks as she saw Karasuno. As a family instead of a business.

-y/n's POV-

I cried in my bed. Tonight especially I was missing Aoba Johsai. I remembered the time Oikawa sat me down and showed me his slideshow on aliens. The time Mattsun and Makki completely roasted Oikawa to tears. The time when Kindaichi made Kunimi laugh so hard he snorted. The time where Yahaba helped touch up Kyoutani's hair. And the time where Iwaizume found me crying and held me in his arms.

To think about it none of them treated me like a hostage. They all had a small trust in me that built over time.

They never thought I might run or find a phone and call for help. They saw me as an equal in a way. The respect was mutual.

Now I was with Shiratorizawa, but I knew I wouldn't be here for much longer. It honestly made me sad to think this time would be the farthest our relationships would go.

I got off my bed and leaned against the wall to my right. I knocked on it gently. The next room over was Semi's. He knocked back and replied with a small, "yeah y/n?"

"Can you come over just for a few minutes?" He agreed and opened my door a few seconds later. He was dressed in sweats and a shirt with a band name I didn't know.

"What's wrong?" He asked me concerned.

"When I leave Shitatorizawa will you give give this to them?" I asked and handed him a small piece is paper. It was a note similar to the unsent one I had written for Aoba Johsai.

Semi read the letter and we stood in front of each other. After finishing the letter he looked at my with sadness in his eyes.

"Y/n you know we'll never forget you," he said and made an expression that said "you're being ridiculous. Right? You don't mean this?"

"I know but I don't want to be a memory. I want to be a constant in your lives," I said and tears bubbled in my eyes. I choked on a sob. "Semi I don't want to leave knowing I'll never get to live alongside you all."

He looked down. He walked slowly toward me and hugged me.

The nice thing about the night was that I didn't have to wear handcuffs. So I could hug him back like a normal friendship. I just want a normal friendship.

"Y/n I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but I don't regret getting close to you. I will never regret getting to know you," he said and hugged me tighter before pulling away.

When he pulled away his eyes were glassy and I realized a fraction of how much I affect these people.

In every bank I've known, I have noticed how so many of them would get along. How there was so much potential for relationships, and yet it was interrupted by rivalry.

Semi returned to his room with the letter. I heard his soft cries from my side of the wall and wanted nothing than to not need that letter.

If there was peace, I wouldn't have had to write that letter.

A goodbye and thanks to the memories we made.

A/n: I am sad now but I hope you had a good day :)

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