Part 26

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Hello I'm Naira, I'm here to see my father he was taken in earlier today, I'm his daughter please I need to see him" she said

"one minute ma'am" the woman at the desk got up and went over to talk to someone, Naira saw her talk to some man he shook his head.

"sorry ma'am we have strict permission from your father's wife that you are not allowed anywhere near him.

"huh what.. why.. I please he is my papa, he will want to see me.." she said her voice almost breaking.

"ma'am I'm sorry there is nothing we can do for you, unless she grants permission"

"can you at least tell me how he is doing what is his condition?"

"I'm sorry it's confidential we are not allowed to give those details out" Naira felt like her world was crushing what sort of game is life playing with her. She sat down on the chair she had been sitting there the whole night, in hope that someone she knew, would give her some information. She sat on the chair thinking about how this happened, how her father came to this state, what exactly happened.. but her mind kept coming up with a blank. It was 7am. Her phone rang it was Kartik. She attended it

"Naira I need you to work early say get here for 8am and finish at 11pm? me and Preeti have got to attend a dinner.. sorry I know its short notice"

"I'll do it!" she said abruptly

"you will?.. ok great thanks" he was surprised by her quick response. She cut the call, and was about to leave, when she saw kaki come she got up from the seat

"any news?" with hope in her eye she hoped it was good, kaki shook her head.

"uhh I wish I can see him, I haven't seen him once, I have been here the whole night and not once I got a chance to see how he is doing" she tried to hold her tears back but they flowed.

"This Kaushailya why is she being so difficult" she wiped Naira's tears, and held her hands in hers

"don't cry beta, I will see what I can do ok?" Naira nodded.

"I have to go to work I need to leave now, can you call me if you can even convince her to let me see him just once it's enough." She sniffled.

"I will try my level best and if it happens I will call your cell immediately"

"thanks" Naira took her bag and left for work. She didn't even have a chance to change or even eat breakfast she was worried sick about her, father, and now she didn't know what to do about it. She parked up and rang the door bell to Kartik's mansion. Sight for sore eyes non other than Preeti opened the door.

"you're here earlier" Naira walked in not saying anything,

"I must tell Kartik to give you a raise on your punctuality " mocked Preeti..

"Siya is upstairs and Kartik told me your staying till late, don't worry you will get double salary." She turned around to see she was indeed talking to herself, Naira was gone.

"that was rude" Preeti shook her head. Naira didn't eat any food most the day, every chance she got she checked her phone to see if she got a message but there was nothing. It was approaching 7pm. Kartik came and saw her, she was in a bottle green sari, holding Siya to her chest patting her to sleep. For a fleeting moment his mind compared Preeti and Naira and their maternal instincts. In his mind Naira emerged the winner.

'stop staring at them' Preeti came into the hall. "let's go"

"ok you both have fun" he came close to Naira and sat next to her and kissed Siya's head, Naira didn't even flinch it was like she was in another world. "take care" he said giving her shoulder a squeeze, her mind was on her papa she didn't think about anything else not even him. Kartik was confused..

Kaira ff Tujhe kitna chahne lage humWhere stories live. Discover now