Chapter 6

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Alex and John didn't come back last night. I'm not worried, Alex can hold his own. I'm pretty sure John could put up a fight too. I don't really know him that well though. I guess me and Herc should make more of an effort to bond with him.

Alex likes him. I know that much. He has this look in his eye when he sees him. I want Alex to be happy. And if John does that then I fully support them. But if John hurts Alex in any way I won't hesitate Bitch. He better not use him, or he'll be seeing a side of me that he really won't like.

But for now I'm pretty cool with him. I like him and so does Herc. Maybe we should ask him to come out with us tonight. Yeah.

Both boys run through the door looking a mess. Still in yesterday's clothes, hair sticking out everywhere and dark bags underneath their eyes. Alex looks like normal- he always has huge dark bags under his eyes. That boy. I would protect him with my life if I had to, he's so precious. But he hasn't had much time with us so far except for the first day.

"Hey mon ami, you wanna stay up late eating junk food and talking shit?" I ask him.

"Yeah sure! Just us four or the whole group?" He reply's.

"Just us four- I think we need to spend some time as just us".

"Yeah no problem! We've got high ropes today. I swear I could do that course with my eyes closed." He says.

"Bet. High ropes. Eyes closed. Whoever does it fastest wins." I shoot back.

"You're on."

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