Chapter 19 (Everyone? Thomas + Alex)

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The camp is buzzing with chatter, but I'm not sure what about. I'm sure I'll find out soon enough.

James (M) approaches the table I'm sat on, a look of confusion clearly painted on his face.

"Hey, Thomas? You hear the news?" He says, his pitch wavering in confusion.

"No..? Wait what is it?" I ask, getting more curious the longer he holds the gossip from me.

"I heard that Laurens was spotted kissing Francis behind Alex's back." He tells me, whispering like a school kid spilling the latest news to their friend.

"Wait... Laurens cheated on Alex?" I ask, slight hints of disappointment evident in my tone.

"Yeah. The news is spreading like wildfire."

Damn. Poor Alex. Okay, we may fight, but the guy didn't deserve that.

"I'm gonna go to the lake for some time to think."

I walk down to the lake, slowly strolling and riding the breeze. Once I make it I can see a figure sat on the floor, face in their hands.

The closer I get I realise it's the king himself, Alexander Hamilton.

"...Hamilton? You okay?" I ask gently.

He turns with a start, finding my face before muttering a weak "go away, Jefferson."

I smirk gently, deciding to sit next to him, attempting to cover it as a move to annoy him, but really, leaving him here alone isn't the best option right now.

"Hey. Look at me." I whisper, wrapping my arm around his shoulder and turning his chin with my other hand.

He looks up and his eyes meet mine, tears shining in them, glazing the deep, brown swirls with a shimmer.

"You don't deserve this. Don't put the blame on yourself, because it's not your fault. Laurens did a stupid thing, yes. But maybe try talking to him? Give him a chance, even just to explain his side of the story, yeah?" I say softly, not wanting to intimidate him. I'm unsure of where this soft side emerged from, but apparently, it's pretty good at giving advice.

"I-I just... H-he knows I like him. B-but he did I-it anyways." He cries, sobs breaking up his words.

"I know, I know. It was silly, but I'm sure he has a reason- even if it's a shitty one. Just, speak to John, okay?" I mutter, keeping my voice down to ensure that no one hears if they walk past.

"Mmh. I'll g-go talk to h-him now." He whispers pathetically, voice barely present.

He attempts to stand, but seeing as he still has the boot on his foot he stumbles slightly.

"Okay, maybe don't break your other foot on the way. Here." I offer him my hand, he hesitates slightly before grabbing it and allowing me to slowly pull him to his feet.

"Go get him, King Alexander" I joke playfully. He offers a small smile. At least it's something.


I can't believe it. John Laurens, the guy who claimed to 'love' me, had decided to go behind my back and cheat on me. Hurray!

Thomas was acting really nice, maybe we could be friends.

He does still hang around with James (R), Charles Lee and George King though. Maybe not.

I'm limping towards the cabins, the people around offering looks of sympathy. No. I'm strong, I don't need them.

I slowly walk up he steps to the cabin, hesitating slightly before opening the door.

I'm met with the cheater himself, John Laurens, grabbing several different items and stuffing them into his bag.

"Stop." I say, no emotion present in my tone.

"Lex- Alexander. Please, you have to listen to me. Here, let me help you sit down you look exhausted-" He begins rushing towards me.

"No." I say, looking him dead in the eye.

"Alex list-"

"Don't-" I say suddenly, making him stop and lower his arms.

"Take another step in my direction, I can't be trusted around you." I speak truthfully.

"Don't think you can talk your way into my arms." I continue.

"You can stand over there if you want. I don't know who you are, I have so much to learn."

"You claimed to care, you claimed to 'love' me. You showed the whole world how you thought I was worth nothing, that I was just your play-thing. In following your desires you have broken my heart."

He tries to speak but I cut him off before he has the chance.

"Heaven forbid someone whisper-"

"He's ruined Alex's dreams. Your conscience whispers so you have TO SCREAM!" I shout in his ear, making him jump back in surprise.

"I know about whispers." I say gently, advancing on him with a sly smirk.

"I see how everyone look at my sisters." He moves his hand up to touch my cheek.

"DON'T!" I scream, leaving him in shock, frozen in place.

"I'm not naive, I have seen Francis around you. Don't think I don't see how he falls for your charms. ALL OF YOUR CHARMS." I say, voice cracking as tears spill down my cheeks.

"I'm erasing myself from our relationship, let everyone else wonder how Alexander reacted when you broke his heart."

"You have thrown it all away, stand back watch it burn." I hiss, tears now spilling out of anger.

"And when the time come, explain to the others the pain and embarrassment you put 'Alexander' through."

"When will you learn that we could've made a legacy! I could've been your legacy!"

"I thought you were mine."

He advances one more time, attempting to wipe away my fallen tears, but instead I catch his wrist, whispering one final thing in his ear before turning and slamming the door.


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