Chapter 16 (Peggy and Angelica)

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I don't know if I can tell Alex, it'll destroy him.

I mean, one of the only people he has ever put his trust in just cheated on him with another guy. Nothing like loyalty.

I have a newfound hate for that piece of shit. John Laurens. The name of the dirtiest, crap talking, evil piece of shits ever to roam the earth.

I shut the door and slowly move back to my bed, dumbfounded with the new information that I have just learned.

You know what? No. He deserves to learn a fucking lesson.

I stand up, pull on my boots and exit the cabin, marching over to Johns door like a woman on a mission. No one fucks with my brother and gets away with it.

I knock hard on the door, anger pulsing through my veins like blood.

I hear shuffling and a few whines, and a few seconds later I am greeted by a disheveled John Laurens. That evil son of a bitch.

He suddenly registers my face and the fact that he's been caught, but before he has chance to speak I pull my hand back and slap so hard that it could send him back into the 1700's.

"How dare you. HOW DARE YOU! YOU STUPID, ARROGANT, CHEATING, LYING BITCH!" I growl, not even thinking about what I'm saying, and before I knew it I had slapped him again, making him stumble back from the force.

"No. No Peggy it's not what it looks like! I promi-"

"Don't say you fucking promise. Because I know what I saw. You forfeit the rights to his heart, you forfeit the place in his bed, you'll sleep out with Francis instead. With only the memories of when he was yours." I spit Francis's name as though it were venom.

"Peggy please! You have to understand! I didn't do this to hurt Alex! He doesn't need to know! Nobody needs to know!" John pleads, almost on his knees begging.

"So what, lie to him? Hmm? That's your plan? Don't you worry, he'll find out soon enough." I say, slamming the door.

It's been about an hour since I confronted Laurens, and my anger has quietened from a loud roar to a violent growl.

He doesn't deserve Alex. He will NEVER try to get Alex back if he knows what's good for him.

Everyone is making their way back from the lake, my sisters and Maria are about to join me in our cabin. I need to tell someone. But who?

Angie will murder Laurens.
Eliza will make him feel so guilty he cries.
Maria will probably murder Laurens too.

Well. That sure helps. I'll tell Angie, she always knows what to do.

The door is gently opened and the three girls stumble inside in fits of laughter, and I feel terrible that I'm about to destroy the happy atmosphere for Angelica, but it has to be done.

"Hey Angie? Can I speak to you for a minute please?" I look at her with pleading eyes.

"Oh, Yeah sure. Outside?" She gestures to the door.

If we talk outside there's a chance that someone else could overhear.

"Erm... no... 'Liza, 'Ria, could you guys leave for a minute? It's a little... private." I ask them nicely, trying to phrase it so that I won't get asked questions.

"Yeah sure, well be back!" Eliza replies in a sing-song voice. Both girls walk out of the door and resume their chatter as the door swings to a close.

"What is it you wanna talk about peg?" Angelica asks inquisitively.

"Erm... I saw something before and I don't know who to tell but you always know what to do, so I was hoping I could tell you and you wouldn't tell anyone else..." I ramble nervously, desperately trying to hide the disappointment and despair in my voice.

"Of course. Remember though, if this involves one of the group I won't hesitate." She doesn't even finish the threat, she doesn't have to.

"So.. I was here before when everyone was out and I heard a creak from a few cabins down, and so I went to take a look; only to be met with Laurens and... Francis, covered in... hickeys and making out on his doorstep." I recall.

Angelica inhaled deeply, as though trying to restrain herself from doing anything irrational.

"He. What." She seethed, anger lacing her words like poison.

"Angelica, remember what I said, you have to stay calm." I reminded her, afraid of what she might do if she gets too enraged.

"I'll be back." She says as she slams the door.

Well fuck.



Inhale... exhale... now let's go kill a bitch.

I knock on the door, almost kicking the thing open if Laurens hadn't opened it in time.

"Hey Angeli-" I grab him by his collar and pull him outside of the cabin, out of earshot of Alex and the others.

I pull him down to my face, eye level and about an inch away from his face. You can feel the tension in the air, the anger boiling in my veins.

"Congratulations." I say calmly, releasing his collar so that he stumbles back and lands on the ground.

(Yeah we're doing this ✌️)

"You have invented a new kind of stupid." I take a step forward.

"A damage you can never undo kind of stupid." And another.

"An 'open all the cages in the zoo!' Kind of stupid" another step.

"Truly, you didn't think this through? Kinda stupid." I move forward again, with each step getting closer and closer to Laurens who remains on the ground.

(Ps I'm gonna be skipping certain parts seeing as I can't think of anything to replace them with)

"Congratulations." I say, spinning around to face away from him.

"It was an act of romantic sacrifice!" He says hurriedly, almost as though it slipped out of his mouth without thought.

"... Sacrifice?"

"He languished in a loveless life back in Nevis, now he lives only to read your letters."

"I look at you and think 'god what have you done to your life and what did it get you?"

"That doesn't wipe the tears or his fear away, and I'll give you no pity, no matter what you say and you know what I'm here to do?"


"I'm not here for you."

"I know my brother like I know my own mind, you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind. And a million years ago he said to us 'this ones mine.' So I stood by, do you know why? I LOVE MY BROTHER MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THIS LIFE I WOULD CHOOSE HIS HAPPINESS OVER MINE EVERY TIME- ALEXANDER!" I shout, pulling him up by his collar and pushing him against the tree behind him.

"Alexander..." he muttered, regret present in his tone.



(That was shocking but hey, it's fine. So I think I'm gonna put the name of the characters who find out that chapter at the top.)

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