Chapter 22

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It's been a few days since we went down to the lake, and once again Alex has retreated into hibernation. No one has seen him at all, apart from me and the Washington's. He should speak to Laurens, hear what he has to say. Even if it's a load of bullshit.

I walk into the Washington's cabin and see Martha and George standing in the doorframe of Alex's room, both dressed for the day.

I push Past them gently, slipping into the room and in front of the bed. Alex is in the middle of strapping his boot on and Buddy is stood next to him. Hmm. He must be going out.

"Where you off to, Lex?" I ask.

"Hmm? Oh, just gonna go speak to some people. Maybe go see Orpheus." He informs me. Oh, cool.

"Okay! Do you want me to come with?" I ask cheerily, just glad that he's leaving on his own accord.

"If you want to, don't really mind." He replies simply, voice lacking emotion. I guess I'll go with him them.

He attempts to stand up, right before losing his balance and sitting back on the bed again. I give him a hand, pulling him to his feet and ensuring he's steady before slowly moving my hands away like a parents would their newly walking toddler. He begins to walk past me, and I follow him out of the door.

We walk down the stone path, down towards Orpheus' cabin. Some people have started to head to breakfast, but the Hades town folk usually eat early. Alex knock on the door, and it gently swings open revealing Eurydice with a gentle smile on her face.

"Hey! It's been awhile, come on, come on in" She gestures for us to enter and we both go and sit on the sofa that they've placed in the corner. Hades and Persephone were both dancing around to music in their shared headphones, whilst Orpheus climbs down from his bunk to greet us.

"Hey guys! Alexander Hamilton, it's been too long! How you been?" He says whilst embracing us both.

"Yeah. We're good. I mean, good as can be." He says, slight hints of sadness as he closes the sentence.

"I heard. That was stupid of him, I don't get why someone would do that. And look at you! You look like you've got a huge sock on!" Orpheus changes the topic smoothly, punctuating his sentence with a chuckle.

We all sit around the sofa and chat about random topics, Alex's head in my lap and his feet hanging over the edge of the arm. I hear a genuine laugh from from the Tom Cat, which is relieving.

"Hey, you wanna take Buddy down to the arena? I'm sure it's empty, we can take a ball and play in there." Orpheus suggests, and all three of us nod our heads before slowly crawling off of the sofas like people who have been sat down for days, when it's actually only been about 2 hours.

We make our way to the door and exit, taking a slow stroll down to the arena, Bud following next to Alex. Orpheus opens the gate and Bud runs in, followed slowly by Alex, then Eurydice and I. Alex and Orpheus start throwing the ball for Buddy, and he races around the arena quickly after it. Both boys start talking, and whatever they're chatting about must be funny as they're both laughing loudly.

"He seems okay. You know, from my perceptive I think he will speak to John when he's ready, no matter when that is." Eurydice says as she places a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"I know... but, he didn't deserve that. And I don't know if he'll forgive John or if they'll ever speak, but he needs to get everything out in the open so that Laurens knows his true feelings." I reply.

"Suggest that he talks to John, and once you've done that, you can't push him. He's got to do this on his own." She says as she reassuringly hugs me from the side.

We both go and join in, sometimes racing around with Buddy and other times watching him tackle Alex with kisses. He's such a good boy.


After about 40 minutes Bud is tired and is now curled up on top of Alex, paws in the air, lying on his back. We mutually decided that it's best that we head back, seeing as Orpheus and Eurydice have missed out on loads of activities, but they insist that they'd rather spend time with us.

We're walking back when Alex brings to walk more to the left, leaving me confused. The further we progress I can make out that he's going towards the cabins. Maybe he'll speak to John. Guess I won't have to push him after all's

We near and he walks directly up to the door, walking straight through.

I walk in, and see John lying on his bed, tear tracks running down his face. Aww- NO.

"It hurt, you know." I say, truthfully. His head snaps up, eyes meeting mine.

"To know that the person I thought cared about me can just run off with another guy and not show any remorse."

"I do care about you, Alex! I just- god! I, UGH" he huffs, seeming as though he can't get his words out.

"Go on. Explain to me. Laurens you explain to me why you felt that it was necessary that you sneak off with another guy behind my back, and proceed to show no regret- you explain that."

"I just, you were sick and I wanted more and I didn't want to push you. And Francis was right there and he started flirting and so did I, I didn't think! And I regret it now, I do. Alexander, please. He meant nothing! You mean everything to me, I promise!"

"You could've told me. So many times you could've told me how you feel, and we could've talked it out. Instead of going behind my back and sneaking off with another guy. Was it just Francis? Is there more? Might as well tell me now." I punctuate my sentence with a pathetic laugh, sadness evident in my tone.

"No! No, I swear to you! It was only Francis, no one else. And I feel so stupid, so, so stupid! I regret it! Please, Alexander you have to believe me!" He pleads.

"I'm not saying that we're okay, because we're not. But. Give me space, John, and we'll see how this works out." I mutter, eyes cast at the floor.

"Thank you! Oh thank you Alexander!" He stands up, embracing me tightly, to which I don't return.

After he bids me goodbye I turn and shut the door, venturing around camp to talk to the others.

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