Chapter 7

472 22 43

^ Angelica Hamilton

We all walk over to the high ropes course after breakfast. Not a lot happened except Herc dropped his toast and screamed, understandable.

Everyone gets their harness on and starts to line up in pairs, seeing as the course can be done as a race. Me and Laf are together because of the bet, Herc and John, Eliza and Angelica and Peggy on her own. I might do it again with Pegs because she shouldn't have to be on her own.

Me and Laf start the climb to the start point, both with Hercules bandanas just above our eyes so we can pull them down. We reach the top and put our blindfolds on.

" 3, 2, 1, GO!" The instructor shouts.

We both walk towards the first obstacle, the see saw. Laf gets there a little bit quicker than I do from what I can hear but I manage to basically jump across the see saw. I run into a pole right in front of me and stumble backwards, but I'm not losing this bet. I get back up, and slowly make my way around the course. After the whole course turns out Laf beat me by a few seconds. God damn it. He's never gonna let me live it down.

"LOSER!" He shouts, guess I better pay up. I slam a dollar in his hand, now I know it's not much but I don't exactly have a lot so we never bet high anyway.
We both climb down the ladder, but because I'm lazy I just jump off the top and let the harness take me down. Yeah I'm cool, I know.

We reach the bottom and both fall into the grass, tired from the race. He punches me in the arm and we both start giggling like little kids. We must look insane. I love these guys.



Today was actually pretty funny, after the high ropes we went to lunch, hung out for a bit and now we're all sat in my cabin doing nothing.

"Hey guys, I need to go make a phone call. I'll be back in a minute." I say.

"No problem, don't die!" Alex shouts back. The room is filled with 'aww's off of all the others. They dont even know that we're dating. They're so oblivious.

I walk out behind the cabin because that's where the signal is best, and go to dial my sister. I haven't spoke to her for a while, I feel like an awful brother. I've been at camp a week now, and I'm really loving it. Some days were uneventful but on those days it's nice to just bond with the others. I'm about to press the call button when someone whispers my name. "Well if it isn't John Laurens." They say. I know that voice...

"Who are you?" I ask, squinting, trying to see the persons face because they're in the shadows and it's getting dark.

"Doesn't matter. I'm just here to give you a little message." He says, edging closer and closer to me with every word he says. He does this until he's only a few steps away from me, when he pushes me to the ground and punches me in the face.

"Stay our of my way and we won't have a problem. You think Alex is yours... keep thinking that." He hisses. "But if you get in my way again, I'll be back." He says. Shit, this guy is obsessed. I know his voice though... he's not one of us but he's definitely spoke to me before.

I forget about calling my sister and walk back into the cabin, a black eye forming. "John! OH MY- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED." Alex shouts as he sees the bruise forming on my face and a small trickle of blood coming out of my nose. "Come into the bathroom, I'll sort that out." He says reassuringly.

We walk into the bathroom and he locks the door, I hug him tightly and he hugs back, planting kisses on my forehead. "Hey, look at me for a second." He says, moving my chin so that he's looking into my eyes. Then it happens. He closes the distance between us and our lips move in sync. It's not a hungry, aggressive kiss but more full of love and kindness. He's so gentle. He gently runs one of his hands though my hair, the other placed behind my neck. We stay like this for a few seconds more, and as soon as he takes his lips off mine I miss his warmth.

"What happened?" He whispers by my ear, as I place my head on his chest.

"It doesn't matter. Just promise you'll never leave me?"

- TIME SKIP (a few days) -

Camp is still so much fun. Me and Alex have grown a lot closer since the incident, and now we hold hands and cuddle in public. Not often, because we don't want to be 'that' couple, but now the rest of the group knows we're dating. Turns out they had a bet on how long it would take for us to tell them, and they actually knew all along. I guess they're not as oblivious as I though. I have also grown a lot closer to the rest of the group, me, Laf and Herc are basically best friends now. I didn't think they liked my for a while- turns out they just didn't want Alex to get hurt. And I would never hurt Alex. Not on purpose anyway.

Alex has been out of the cabin a lot more lately for practice because riding tournaments are around the corner. At the same time he's also balancing spending time with me, the group, Peggy, teaching classes, debate team and his friends out of the group. He still spends time with us, don't get me wrong, but it's normally late at night and he's tired. He's also got debate tournaments soon too, so he often stays up late writing for them. He's going to run himself to the edge one day soon, and he'll crash. I can tell him to stop and relax but it's no use.

He's always writing like he's running out of time,and I don't know how long he can keep that up.

We have riding again today, and it's actually quite fun. No one has fell off yet, except for Peggy and Alex when they're messing around. Alex is gone early like he normally is when he is teaching.

We all head down to the cafeteria to our normal table when I see Alex's phone. He must've forgot it. Oh well, I'll take it for him.

We eat breakfast as usual, the food options were bagels, toast, cereal and omelette. I got bagels because BAGELS ARE AWESOME.

Once we finish eating we all make our way over to the at arena to start our day of lessons, that's when I see Alex. His hair is a mess, his face is white as a sheet and he looks like he's in a daze. I walk up to him slowly as not to startle him. Up close he looks awful. It looks like he hasn't slept in years. But he's still gorgeous, he will never not be gorgeous in my eyes.

"Hey, Alex?" I ask quietly, approaching him slowly just incase I scare him.

He whips his head around "Ohh, hey john." He says back, somethings wrong. I don't know what but something is really wrong.

"You feeling okay Alex?" I ask, trying to get to the bottom of his weird behaviour.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I feel just great." He says back. He's lying. I trust him though, he wouldn't do this if he wasn't up to it. Would he?

"Okay... well we're about to start so I think you need to get in there." I say, reminding him why he's here.

"Oh shit! Okay, yeah let's go do that." He says as he walks off, wobbling a bit as he goes.

"Hey guys! So today we're all going to be in the arena and we're going to try walking as a group so that we can go out into the woods. Let's go." He says, staring into space.

We all enter and we get on our horses, he tells us to start walking, so that's what we all do. Peggy looks at him concerned, and I can tell she knows somethings wrong too.

"Okay, that was good. Now we're-" he slurs, until he falls to the floor. Peggy jumps off of Vanessa and down next to Alex.


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