Chapter 25

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The camp was quiet. The different groups were quite content, engrossed in their own conversation. Apart from one.

The revolutionaries were missing a member, their best friend, Alexander.

No one except Laurens knew why Alexander wasn't with them, and instead with the SMFDR.

He had taken his boot off, leaving him with quite an obvious limp. In reality, his foot isn't healed but his 'friends' insisted that he take it off. So he did.

Most people were confused at Alexander's sudden relocation, but few people had the nerve to question it.

Alexander is stuck with them. They used me as bait, and now he's trapped with no escape. I see him across camp sometimes, he looks pretty damn miserable. I feel terrible.

I see Alex limping across the camp, heading to what appears to be the stables. Hmm.

He gets there and I follow close behind, but not close enough for him to notice me. He unlocks Lucifers stable door, leading him out of his stable and tacking him up. He uses his good foot to hoist himself onto the saddle and soon he's cantering away from the camp, in the opposite direction of the lake... I wonder where he's going. I unlock the door to one of the other horses out, before remembering that not only is Alex is a lot more confident on horseback but Lucifer is one of the strongest, fastest horses we have. I'd never catch him.

I lock the stable door and just walk around camp for a while. I wander around, occasionally smiling at people. Most people forgave me, seeing as Alexander told them to. I am eternally grateful to him, he's my love.

It's dark by the time I check the time I realise it's 5 pm, damn- how long have I been walking? I look around and realise I don't actually know where I am. Oh shit.

I look around, trying to see any clue as to where I am, but all I can see is trees.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and look at my contacts:

Alexander ♥️
Baguette 🥖
Angelica 🌸
Eliza 🦋
And Peggy 🌈☀️
Maria(h) 🌹💋

I debate who to call, deciding on trying everyone but Alexander, I've bothered him enough.

I first try Peggy:

Ring ring bitch

No Answer

Next I try Angelica:

Ring ring bitch

"What do you want Laurens." Angelicas voice growls through the phone, she never really did forgive me.

"I'm kinda lost..." I trail off.

"Not my problem. Find your way back."


Wow she hung up on me.

It goes on like this, most of them don't answer. My last person to call: Alexander.

I hesitate, before pressing his name and listening to the ringing.

"Laurens. What's wrong?" He says, breath short and confusion clear in his voice. He told me he loves me, but I know he needs time to heal, so I'm not completely forgiven.

"...I'm kinda lost... no, it's fine I'll be ok-"

"Describe what the place looks like for me." He sighs.

"Erm... a lot of trees, I can hear water... hmm. Oh! I'm near like a rock stack?" I say, unsure if he'll be able to find me from my description.

"Okay. I'll be there soon." He ends the call.

I wait about five minutes before I hear the pounding of hooves, at a very quick pace, heading my way. Lucifer sprints past me and I see Alex's hair fly behind him in a blur. Alex pulls on Lucifers reins and turns him around, slowing down before arriving next to me. He looks down at me and tells me to get on. I struggle to climb on, and have to use said rock stack from before as a step.

I sit behind Alex and wrap my arms around his wait tightly as he instructed me to, and before I can ask him if it's okay he kicks his heels into Lucifers sides, sending us galloping down the bridle paths at full speed, the wind in my hair.

I keep my eyes shut for a while, fear overwhelming me.

"Open your eyes, Laurens." Alex says to me, his body moving with the momentum of Lucifer. I slowly open one eye, before seeing the trees fly past me in a blur. The freedoms of it feels incredible. I can see why Alex likes this. I raise my head slightly, allowing the wind to completely push my hair behind me, shutting my eyes as we ride the breeze.

"The gates shut, we're gonna jump it, okay?" Alex asks as though it's nothing. NO ITS NOT OKAY.

"WHAT?! ALEX I'VE NEVER GONE THIS FAST BEFORE AND YOU EXPECT ME TO JUMP A FENCE?!" I shout, panic rising in me as we near the fence.

"Just, hold on." He moves his hand and the reins to pull my arms tighter around him, me hooking my legs around his.

Lucifers front legs leave the floor and everything feels as though it slowed down. Alex leans forward elegantly, me clinging to him for my life. Lucifers hind legs leave the floor too, and now we're flying. We soar over the gate easily, before I feel the slam of Lucifers hooves reaching the floor again.

We continue cantering until we near the camp, to which we gradually slow down. By the time we reach the courtyard we have slowed to a walk. I don't move, my arms still tightly gripping Alex's waist.

Alex takes his feet out of the stirrups, and goes to remove my arms from his waist but I stay frozen in place. He pries my arms off of his waist and I remain frozen whilst he jumps off. He leads Lucifer to a ring on the wall and ties him up, taking off Lucifers bridle and putting on a head collar.

"Laurens, I kinda need you to get off." He says quietly. I quickly unfreeze and jump off, still slightly frazzled.

"Thank you... for, ya know... finding me." I say, slightly awkwardly. I turn around and walk off, heading down to the cafeteria to get food.

(TiMe SkIp)


I walk behind the SMFDR's cabin, only to be greeted with Reynolds and Lee.

"We saw you, with Laurens. I thought we told you to stay away from them." Reynolds growls viciously. Oh shit.

"No, he was lost I-" I cant finish my sentence before Lee pins me to the floor.

"Oh shut up, bastard." Lee smirks.

"I think this ankle is healing a bit too fast, maybe we should slow it down a bit." Reynolds smiles, and suddenly starts stomping down on my ankle causing me to cry out in pain.

"STOP! PLEASE! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" I scream, but they don't stop- they keep going until my voice gives out. But it's not only my ankle the go for, no, they punch my face, chest and arms. And anywhere they can reach really.

I stop screaming as my vision fades to black and time stops.

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