Chapter Seven

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When Sophie and Fitz returned downstairs everyone was waiting for them. Sophie reached to pull out an itchy eyebrow, but Fitz put his hand on her arm and said, "It's okay, Sophie."

"Okay guys, you might want to get it over with because Foster's dread is really killing me. Especially because it's mixed with another emotion that makes me want to throw up." Keefe told them after a long period of silence.

Fitz led Sophie to a sleeping bag next to his, kissed her on the cheek, and began to speak, "Okay, so it's kind of hard to explain so you guys are each aloud one question okay. No more because to be honest, I'm not sure I want to share a lot with you guys. Ready?"

Biana went first, "What do you like about each other?"

Sophie groaned. Fitz grabbed her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze that felt like he was saying it would be okay. "Well Biana, you already know this but I've liked Sophie since Alleveture because of her personality. She could be the snobbiest, most annoying person ever and she's not." Sophie couldn't help but smile. Fitz said, "Next Question."

Tam went, then Lihn, Dex went, and finally Keefe. Sophie was relieved when it was over and then Fitz asked, "And know you guys are going to tell us who you like. Okay?"

Keefe groaned, Tam turned very red, and Dex fidgeted nervously.  "Not happening," Keefe told them.

Fitz smiled, "Okay, you don't have to tell us, but I can. All three of you like Sophie and she knows that. I told her yesterday. She just had trouble believing it. You know how oblivious she can be, and so I felt like she needed confirmation. Plus, the color all three of you are turning gives it away." Fitz was right, all three boys were bright red. "So, I'm going to make this easy for you guys. Lihn? Does Tam like Sophie?"

Lihn giggled and said, "Yes." Turning Tam an even darker shade of red.

Fitz said, "Okay Dex, I asked the triplets and yeah, you've been crushing forever and Keefe, I checked your dreams and I know you like her because that's all you could dream about that day. Who knew you liked Sophie so much?" Sophie squeezed Fitz's hand telling that it was enough. She was sure she was bright red too, and all she wanted to was go to sleep. All this drama was just too much for her.

"I'm tired, and I need to wake up early to figure out the whole Foxfire thing." Sophie announced, "I'm going to bed."

Fitz grabbed Sophie and wrapped her in a tight hug. He whispered, "Get some sleep, I know how your feeling. We'll worry about that in the morning. Meanwhile, please stop worrying." He smoothed the crease between her eyebrows. "Goodnight Sophie, I love you."

The next morning she found a Level Six Uniform folded neatly at the end of her sleeping bag. Fitz was already awake. She sat up wondering how many new nicknames she would earn today. She groaned at the thought of it and Fitz said, "What's wrong Sophie?"

He walked over sat on his sleeping bag, next to Sophie's and he reached for Sophie's hand. "You can tell me anything, Sophie. Are you worried about Foxfire? Because I'm not going to lie I'm worried too. Now about me, but about you. So I just want you to know, no matter what happens, I'm here for you and I love you. Nothing could ever change that Sophie."

Sophie felt her blood rushing to her face. "I love you Fitz, and I'm here if you ever need me. So please take me up on that."

"I will, Sophie. Do you want to go to Atlantis tonight together?"

"Yes! Of course, then I don't have to break the news to Grady until later tonight."

"Oh, I forgot about that. You sure you're going to be okay?"

"I think so and I already told Edaline so I'll have her drop off some clothes in my Foxfire locker so I can change before we go."

"Okay, you should get changed into your Uniform. We can go to Foxfire early this morning." He averted his eyes while Sophie changed.

Sophie went to Biana who was, not surprisingly, in her room doing her makeup. Biana was naturally beautiful but she added just the right amount and colors of makeup which made her stunningly attractive. In ways, Sophie couldn't.

"Wow, Sophie. That looks awesome," Biana told her.

"Thanks, I was wondering how I should do my makeup now that I look like I landed in a snowdrift."

Biana laughed, "I still think you should use that gold-flecked eyeliner to bring out the color in your eyes. Oh, and I heard that you and my brother are going on a date tonight. Is that true?"

"Yeah" Sophie admitted. She knew how much Biana cared about her and Fitz's relationship, but it didn't make it any better admitting it to her. 

"Okay, so what I want to know is are you gonna still hang out with us, or do you think you're too cool for us now that you're a Level Six?"

"What do you think Biana? I'll always hang out with you guys. Even when I'm in the Elite Levels. You guys are my friends so I want to be with you. You guys are like the only people who care enough about me to still hang out with me after everything we've gone through together lately."

"That's what I thought, but I want to tell you that Fitz is really excited to share all his classes with you. I can't blame him, but you guys are making the other boys, especially Keefe, really uncomfortable when you guys do your mushy thing in front of them. They're also really jealous of Fitz because they like you too and so could you refrain from bragging too much."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

"It's you who's doing it," Biana cut in, "Fitz is. I tried to tell him last night about it but he won't listen to me anymore, so I need you to tell him that. Got it?"

Sophie sighed, "Yeah, I'll tell him. I should probably get going because I need to pick up my new schedule and find my new locker."

 When she arrived downstairs she found Fitz and Keefe waiting in their Level Six Uniforms along with Dex, Lihn, and Tam in their Green Uniforms. Biana came hurrying down the stairs in her green uniform. 

They all stepped into the light and leaped to Foxfire together.

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