18: In the end we'll fall apart

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Frank's POV

I awoke in complete confusion...I didn't know where I was, or what had happened, besides the fact that my whole body ached, and my throat was dry - swallowing was physically painful.

I forced my heavy lids to open wider, even though the searing light burnt my sensitive corneas. As I took in the beeping machines and the plain white walls of the hospital room, it all came tumbling back.

I was here because my dad had beaten me senseless...Gerard was here as well...the cops had come...my mom had told me we were moving...my anxiety attack...

Painfully sobs ripped their way out of my chest, and even though they hurt my damaged ribs, I couldn't seem to stop them.

That one world chased itself around my mind in an endless mantra...moving...moving...moving. Leaving Gerard; leaving everything behind just because my mother was too lazy to be an actual parent to me, so she was dropping me off with my Aunt Ellie.

"Frank - are you okay?" Dr. Wentz had entered my room, and I had been so lost in my sorrow that I hadn't even noticed.

"Umm...honestly no." I tried to wipe away my tears, but it was obvious I had been crying, so there wasn't much point in hiding it.

"Here - drink this." He handed me a glass of water, and I gulped it down thankfully.

"Thanks," I murmured.

"I thought you might need it. That was a nasty anxiety attack you had there."

"Yeah...I got some bad news, and I kind of just lost it."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He sat down by my beside with a concerned look on his face.

I didn't know when I started trusting random strangers with my problems, but I had already told Dr. Wentz about my stepdad, so I found myself wanting to unload everything on him.

"It's just...my mom wants to move. I mean - I am pretty sure she is planning it already. She is trying to pass it off like she is worried about me running into my stepdad, and I'll be safer in California, but she's just being selfish. She is too busy to watch me herself, so she is going to leave me with my aunt instead. I don't want to move...it was hard enough when she dragged me out here when she divorced my dad, and now that I have finally found someone who makes me happy, she wants to rip us apart because she thinks he's a bad influence. He's my everything...I can't leave him...it will kill me."

"Are you serious? I'm so sorry Frank...that's rough. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Not unless you know some way for me to legally move out at fourteen?" I scoffed.

"Does Gerard know?" he wondered.

"No...not yet. Fuck - I don't even know if my mom will let me see him before we leave." I dropped my face into my hands in despair.

"Well actually - I told her to go home and come pick you up tomorrow. Because your attack was so bad, I decided to keep you overnight for observation. Visiting hours are over, but I can sneak you into Gerard's room before he is discharged."

"You would really do that for me?" I gasped.

"I'm not supposed to but...you guys remind me of my boyfriend and I when we first started dating. Nothing seemed to work for us...no one believed that we could make it. His parents were insanely homophobic, and they did everything possible to prevent me from seeing him, but in the end - we pulled through, and it was worth all the pain."

"It's crazy that you are giving me more support in this than my own mother," I chuckled wryly.

"You can't pick your family, and I know firsthand how that feels, but if you truly love Gerard, and I can tell he is head over heels for you, then in the end - it will all work out."

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