7: Me and your runaway scars

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*trigger warning*

I was sitting in class, bored out of my mind as usual, making my best attempt at not falling asleep during today's history lecture, when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. As discreetly as I could, I pulled it out and opened my texts.

From Frankie <3: Gee I'm boooored

Smiling to myself, I typed out a quick reply.

To Frankie <3: Too bad you don't have my pretty face in your class to distract you xoG

Seconds later, my phone buzzed again.

From Frankie <3: I miss that pretty face already. Skip class with me?

How could I resist such a tempting offer? My fingers clacked against the keyboard as I quickly sent a message back.

To Frankie <3: Ooh Frankie you are such a bad influence. Meet you out on the bench? xoG

From Frankie <3: See you there gorgeous ;)

Ducking my head to hide my obnoxious blush caused by Frank's last text, I gathered all of my stuff and hastily pushed it into my backpack, not wanting to keep Frank waiting a moment longer than I had to. Since I sat at the back of the class, it was a simple matter to sneak out unnoticed.

I eased the door shut silently, and headed toward my locker with a broad grin on my face. I checked my phone one more time, and saw another message from Frank.

From Frankie <3: I'M FREE!! Did you make it out okay?

Just as I was about to reply, I heard the door to the boys locker room slam open...why did my locker have to be located so close to the hive of jocks I despised with all of my being?

I turned my back on the raucous laughter coming from the open door and began to tell Frank that I would meet him outside in a minute, when my phone was snatched out of my hand. I spun around and came face to face with none other than Thomas...just my luck.

"Give it back..." I tried to make my voice menacing, but it came out as more of a whisper instead.

"I will in a second. I just want to see who the fag's been texting, that's all."

Much to my dismay, my phone was still on my messages screen. I silently begged for my auto lock to kick in before Thomas could read anything, but I should have known better than to expect to get that lucky.

"Ooh - who's Frankie with a heart next to his name? Is that your short little boyfriend? I thought he would have dumped your ass after we taught him a lesson last time."

"That's not how I remember it." I smirked as I recalled how Frank had knocked Thomas out cold during their last encounter.

I should have kept my stupid mouth shut, and I regretted my words the second they escaped my lips. A look of rage contorted Thomas's face into a grisly mask before he grabbed me by the throat, pinning me to my locker viciously.

"Don't you ever get smart with me! You may have had him around to protect you last time, but now it's just you and me, and you are going to pay for what he did."

I couldn't have responded even if I wanted to, it was an endeavor just to breathe with his meaty hand squeezing my windpipe. I struggled to get free, but all that accomplished was to drive the heavy combination lock hanging from my locker even deeper into my spine, and soon I gave up on any attempt to fight back, I was too busy trying to suck air into my lungs.

Just when my vision was going blurry at the edges and I thought I was going to pass out, Thomas relinquished his grip, and I collapsed to the floor, holding my throat and gasping for air.

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