19: The hardest part of this is leaving you

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Gerard's POV

I couldn't tell what time it was...the room was cast in shadows, hiding the clock face from my prying eyes, but I knew it was late. Sleep was eluding me, all I could think about was how I was going to be shipped to Laurel Hills in the morning.

I was so angry with my mother for making that decision that I was physically shaking. How the fuck would separating me from everything and everyone I loved going to help me recover from my self-harm...if anything - it was only going to make it worse.

I needed to tell Frank what was happening...but I didn't know what room he was staying in, or if he was even still in the hospital. Worry for him was gnawing at my gut, the last I had seen him, he had been escorted out of the room by two police officers.

I hope they had arrested that ass of a stepfather who dared to lay a hand on him. He needed to be locked up somewhere where he could never touch him again.

When I had begged my mother to let me see him later on, she told me that she had been turned away, and that he wasn't accepting visitors right now. I couldn't help but wonder if he didn't want to be around me anymore...I wouldn't blame him if he did.

But after everything he had said to me today, I had been finally starting to believe that Frank truly loved me. Now I didn't know what to think, and I was driving myself crazy with all of my assumptions.

The sound of a door creaking open softly broke me out of my dark thoughts, but I didn't look up, assuming it was just another nurse coming to check up on my vitals. They had been popping in and out every so often, and I just ignored them every time.

I didn't want to talk to anyone but Frank right now, and no one would let me see him. As if thinking his named summoned him to me, a familiar voice filled up my small room.

"Gee? Are you awake?"

"Frank - is that really you?" I exclaimed a bit louder than I had intended.

"Shh - yeah it's me, but be quiet okay? Dr. Wentz snuck me in here, and I don't want him to get in trouble." Frank crept to my bedside, and I pulled back the covers, giving him room to crawl under them with me.

"Are you okay Frankie? What happened with the cops?"

I wanted to tell him about how I was being sent away, but it was easier to focus on his problems and pretend mine didn't exist for the moment.

"I guess I'm okay...the officers just asked my mom and I some questions. She is going to divorce my stepdad, so that's the good news..." Frank trailed off in a way that showed there was obviously still some bad news to come.

"So why aren't you happy then?" I coaxed gently, hoping he would open up to me.

"Because...because..." Before he could continue, Frank was overcoming by wracking sobs. Seeing him fall apart ripped at my heartstrings, and I clutched his slender form to me as tightly as I could.

"Shh baby - it's going to be okay," I whispered soothingly.

"No it's not...you don't understand..." Frank gasped out.

"Then tell me. Please - I want to help you with this, and I can't if I don't know what's wrong."

"My mom is making me move...to California..." Frank managed to spit out before erupting into another fit of tears.

I felt my stomach sink to my feet and I had to fight back the urge to be physically sick. This couldn't be real, Frank couldn't move. This was all just some sick joke the world was playing on us.

Any second now, Frank would laugh and say how he totally got me, and that I should see the look on my face, but he wasn't that cruel; he would never think something like this would be funny.

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