Chapter 2

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"Really Mrs O'Shea, it's no problem at all. I'm just doing my part for the church" I squeezed the elderly woman's hand as she thanked me for being such a 'saint' for agreeing to fix the piano.

This is how this morning's service has gone.

Before and after mass, people have approached me and thanked me for fixing the piano.

And with flushed cheeks I thanked them and said it's no problem at all.

I never realised until today's service how significant and important the piano was to everyone.

But I think I understand it. The choir felt lonely as they sung. There were no vibrant, solid and uplifting chords behind them as they sung.

It was almost dampening.

And everyone felt it too.

"Your parents must be real proud for raising such a blessed child as yourself" she continued her compliments and the scarlet tint on my cheeks grew impossibly hotter.

"I hope so. If you'll excuse me Mrs  O'Shea, I have to go out back and continue my work"

"Of course Macy, have blessed day" she squeezed my hand one last time and let me go.

Before going out back I went to my truck and got out the spare pair of clothes I brought, not wanting to get my dress ruined my sawdust and wood chips.

As I walked to the bathroom, I bumped into momma and dad who were leaving. Probably to continue their routinely conversations with our neighbours the Sullivan's over a roast and some beer.

"How long do you think you'll be Macy?" dad asked.

"I'm not sure, I've almost finished carving one leg and hope to get that done as well as a second so not until dark. Is that ok?" I double checked not wanting to upset them for not being home for dinner.

"As long as you come straight home" momma gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek "the Sullivan's will be over, Mary's got a brisket on, so I'll make sure your father and Jason don't eat it all. It'll be in the oven when you get home"

"Thank momma"

"Make sure you get home as quick as you can though Mace. There's supposed to be a storm rolling in tonight. I'd rather you not be driving home in Matty's beat up truck in a storm"

I gave dad a hug and kissed his scruffy cheek "I'll try, but no promises" I smiled cheekily and left them to get changed.

I didn't realise how long I'd spent in the shed until a crack of thunder took me out of the zone.

"Sugar!" I went to look at my phone for the time, but it was now dead.

Why didn't I charge it last night?

Quickly packing up the tools and setting two successfully carved out piano legs on the bench next to the two blocks that were soon to be carved out, I grabbed the broom began sweeping the floor.

A second crack of thunder set me into panic mode, and I swept even faster.

Hurriedly, I threw the broom to a random corner and prayed it didn't knock anything over.

With the pile of chips and sawdust now in a neat pile under the workers bench, I took one last take of my working space and made sure nothing was out of place and everything was in their original spots.

I stepped outside, simultaneously met with a light drizzle that was steadily building into heavy rainfall with the passing seconds I spent trying to find my keys to lock up.

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