Chapter 8

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Like she promised Billie woke me up around lunch time and I made us pasta for lunch before we headed back to room to watch more movies and Billie wouldn't let me start the movie unless I was laying on top of her like when I had fallen asleep.

And although I wasn't complaining from the comfort and caring side of Billie, I was insanely uncomfortable from the weird feeling in my stomach and surprisingly between my legs.

A feeling I'd never experienced until then and although it's dulled, it hasn't gone away. But every time I think about Billie it seems to ignite.

I think I'm broken.

It's been a little over two months since Billie gave me a lift home and only a few weeks of us being friends, but I've grown a liking towards her as well as an attachment.

Honestly, she's the last person I'd ever imagine myself being friends with but it works and I'll take it.

We are polar opposites.

Every second word out of her mouth is a curse word, and I can barely get one out.

She has black-charcoally hair that I've realised upon close inspection is actually dyed and not her natural colour, while I have natural brown hair.

Billie's ears are scattered with piercings, and it took me three years of convincing and power point presentations to get momma to take me to get my seconds done.

I'd love to get my helix or nose done, but I will wait until I'm out of the house and in another state before doing that.

Her car is sleek, fast and it's engine purrs softly and soothingly like a cat, whereas my truck is barely holding itself together and sounds like I'm dragging tin cans behind it whenever I drive it.

I'm open about my feelings and past, whereas I know close to nothing about Billie, other than her strong feelings against the church and her love for 'spontaneous adventures' as she like to call it. But it's really just a misadventure waiting to happen.

But despite our differences we are never short of conversation. Talking between us never ceases, it just flows so naturally.

Billie has a knack for listening and making you feel heard.

And it's been a long time since I've had a friend I can talk to and feel heard. You almost forget what it's like honestly.

But then every time I refer to Billie as a 'friend', I can't help but feel disappointed. I want more, but what does more even mean?

"-Macy!" momma called from downstairs as I got out of the bathroom, freshly showered and only in my towel.

"Yeah?" I hollered back.

"I'm leaving for work now! I got called in this morning, lunch money's on the counter and breakfast is next to it!" she responded, the loud thump of the door closing following behind before I could thank her.

I looked at my phone to check the time, a little under half an hour to get ready, eat and leave.

Should have been easy.

But no.

Matty's truck would not start. Again and I had to walk to school.

Which I used to do before I could drive, but that was also when I made sure I had fifteen to twenty minutes to get to school.

But after trying to get Matty's truck to start for at least twenty minutes before leaving to walk to school, I ended up missing the first half of first period.

Flustered and annoyed I signed in at the office and took myself and my late slip to biology.

"Never would have thought little miss 'I love Jesus' would ever be late for school" a boy said as I walked down the hall towards math.

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