Chapter 12

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"-and I'm done!" I clapped my dirty hands after screwing the last screw on the piano stool, all that's needed is a few coats of oil to give it some shine and colour.

"It looks great baby" Billie complimented and wrapped her arms around me from behind, looking over my shoulder at the stool "damn, I should get you to make me a piano stool"

"You play the piano?" I turned around in Billies arms to face her.

"Since I was little, piano lessons were fucking trash. But they paid off cause I'm really good at it" she shrugged like this wasn't big news.

"Why have I never heard you play?"

"I haven't played since- uh I stopped a few years ago" she said with knitted eyebrows.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked and Billie hummed an 'ok' "where are your parents?"

"Right next to my grandparents" she said quietly and pulled me into her chest to lay her cheek on top of my head "they passed away when I was 14 from a car crash, and it's been Fin and I ever since"

"Are you ok?" I asked against her chest, tightening my arms around Billie's waist.

"You're the first person to not respond with a stupid 'I'm sorry' so thank you. And it comes in waves, I'll be fine and then it just hit's me that they're really gone. It' whatever though, they died, and I can't do anything about it" I could hear the desperation for her parents in Billie's voice, and I know she misses them.

"It's not whatever Bil, you can talk to me about anything. You know, that right?"

"Yeah" I felt her head nod "I know. Can you stay with me tonight?"

"Like sleepover?" I lifted my head off Billie's chest to see her head nodding "I'll ask my parents"

Getting my phone from my back pocket of my jeans I rung momma "Hey Mace" she answered.

"Hey momma, can I stay the night at Billie's tonight please?" I asked sweetly.

"Good to hear you asking this time, but no. It's a school night Macy and—"

"Please momma? Billie's my ride to school anyways" I begged "plus I'm- I'm tutoring her for school, and I promised to help her with math tonight since she's almost failing" I said which made Billie pinch my sides and mouth 'don't out me like that!'.

"Fine, but you better get sleep tonight Macy and get to school on time. Will you be home to get clothes?" I looked at Billie for an answer since she was listening in on the conversation.

"You can wear mine" she whispered.

"It's ok momma, I'll borrow Billie's. Thank you and I'll see you tomorrow afternoon"

"Be safe and tell Billie I said hi" she said.

"I will, bye momma" and luckily, I hung up before Billie snorted and started laughing.

"She's so nice to me since she thinks I'm a 'het'"

"A what?" I asked and locked up the shed while Billie waited for me.

"A 'het', a heterosexual, a straight person, a—" Billie began to annoyingly list off terms for straight people.

"Ok, I get it. Thanks Bil" I sighed.

"Hey, you asked" she shrugged and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, planting a kiss on my head "I always forget how sheltered you are baby. Thank fucking Jesus you met me"

"Must you talk like that in the presence of the church? Someone might hear you" I glared and pushed her away from me.

Billie doesn't understand how scary being outed is for me. Especially if it were to occur from someone at the church telling my parents.

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