Chapter 13

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"Macy! We have to leave now!" momma yelled from downstairs.

"Leave for where?" I rolled out of bed and quickly made my way downstairs.

As far as I'm aware my parents aren't going away this weekend.

"Your aunt Sue took a fall, so we are heading to her place for the weekend to make sure she's ok since uncle Jack is away for work" dad explained and gave me a hug "no parties" he said sternly.

"Who would I even invite?" I said which made him laugh "can Billie come over though? So I'm not home alone, please?" I asked a little too eagerly, but he didn't really catch on.

"I guess that's fine, just make sure the gates locked and you get yourselves to school on time tomorrow"

"Paul! Where are the keys?" momma asked from the garage.

"In my hands!"

"Why are they in your hands and not in the car?" momma said and snatched them from dad "this house better be in the state I've left it in when we get back Mace" she turned her glare to me.

"Why is everyone targeting me? I do nothing wrong!" I said and ignored the pang of guilt from not telling them about Billie. But then again, do I really want to?

"Be safe and I left money on the counter if you want take out but there's a multitude of food in the fridge" momma kissed my cheek before follow dad into the garage.

As soon as they were gone, I texted Billie that I was going to be home alone this weekend and that she should pack a bag and spend it with me.

Her response was a quick 'fucking bet' and her car was now parked in my garage.

"My fucking princess, what's up baby? I missed you" her arms threw themselves around my neck and her lips attacked my face to pepper it with heart fluttering kisses.

"I missed you too" I giggled even though we'd seen each other not even three hours ago at school.

"So where have Adam and Eve gone?" she asked and threw herself onto the couch.

"Don't call them that! And my parents have gone to look after my aunt Sue who's in hospital, I think"

I shuffled myself on top of Billie and placed my hands on her chest "so they're gone for the whole weekend?" she smirked.

"Yeah, I'd say so"

"Well that's just great cause there's a party tomorrow night after the football game and we're going. I thought it was going to be a fucking mission to get your parents to agree to let you come with me, but Mary and Joseph aren't even here!" she laughed at the religious joke she slid in.

"For someone who hates the church you know an awful lot about the people in the bible" I said to her.

"The most atheist person on the planet would still be able to tell you the main people from the bible considering how much yall preach that shit" she scoffed.

"Wow, ok" I frown and start to slide off her.

"Hey! No..." Billie whined while sitting up to wrap herself around me "I didn't mean it come back"

"You did mean it, stop saying it's a joke when you're not joking Billie. It's annoying" I rolled my eyes, a bad Billie habit I've realised I've picked up from her.

I almost did it in momma's presence the other day, but I luckily caught myself before I could slip.

"But you know how I feel about the church and the whack shit that is preached" she tried justifying herself.

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