Chapter 10

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Ever since Billie and I kissed, I've made it my personal mission to avoid her and I'm sure she knows that.

For the first few days she gave me space, but last Wednesday she pulled me into an empty classroom and tried talking to me, but I ended up weaselling my way out of the room and the terribly uncomfortable situation.

And it's not Billie making me uncomfortable, I'm making myself uncomfortable.

I didn't even realise my feelings for Billie were romantic until that Sunday when she kept me company at the shed for the first time.

And I guess ever since then they've just grown.

But I have no idea how or why she likes me back.

I'm just a confused, Christian girl who's now in the closet about her feelings and sexuality.

Billie's been blowing up my phone too, but today she's been extra adamant on getting my attention.

She even went to the shed to look for me after church this morning, but I had a feeling she would, so I got up extra early to start assembling the piano stool before church instead of after.

"How's senior year going so far Macy? It feels like you haven't been over for Sunday roast for ages" Mrs Sullivan asked me as we sat at their dining table eating the dinner she and momma cooked up.

"It's going well, I'm keeping up with my classes so I can't complain. And sorry about not coming to dinner as often anymore, I've just been so busy with school and working on the piano" and hanging with Billie "that I've got no time to relax" I laughed lightly "but I'm so glad I came tonight. The foods amazing as always by the way"

"Thank you, Macy, you know Cooper and Max are coming home in a few weeks for a weekend, you'll have to come by I'm sure they miss you" she told me, referring to her sons that are away at college.

Cooper and Max Sullivan are older than me by two years but younger than Matty by three, they were pretty much an extra set of brothers growing up.

Extremely protective of me just like Matty.

The four of us would play together at each other houses and just like when Matty left for the army, the day Cooper and Max left for college broke my heart because that's when I realised, I was truly alone.

I no longer had friends to hang out with in the afternoons or after church. Nor did I have anyone I could talk to regularly.

And even though they constantly check up on me through text, it's just not the same.

And now, I wish they were here to console me through this whole Billie thing and tell me what to do.

"Yeah, I know, Max texted me last week saying he and Cooper were planning to drive from California back home in a few weeks, I can't wait! I miss them so much"

"You and me both Macy" she nodded.

Since the Sullivan's only live down the road I walked home, knowing my parents wouldn't leave until after the football was over.

Walking towards the house I noticed my window was open, but I don't remember ever opening it.

Oh well, at least my room will be a little cold and I can cuddle up under my comforter.

After making myself a bowl of chips to snack on while I watched a movie I walked upstairs and to my room.

"Finally your home" Billie sighed as soon as I stepped in the room.

I screamed from shock and the bowl in my hands flew up in the air before hitting the carpet and spilling my chips everywhere.

"What in the world are you doing in my room Billie?" I screamed again and frowned at the scattered chips at my feet "and you made me drop my chips!" I pouted.

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