Chapter 18

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Firstly, I know it's been a long ass time since the last time I was even logged into wattpad but I have been so busy and just dealing with life as an almost adult and shit's just gotten real these past few months. Not necessarily bad but I just had a lot of realisations and shifts of mindset. 

Not sure if anyone cares but I can't play any form of sport anymore until I get surgery on my ankle for a reconstruction so that has been difficult to process. I've gone from 4-5 sports a week to just gym which has been shitty. Then I was almost in an almost relationship like talking stage but my god girls are whack and so is commitment so no thanks, I got the ick and sis blocked me on all platforms when I tried clarifying stuff. 

And I graduate in literally a few weeks which is so crazy and then uni/college. Anyways it's fine and here's the chapter ya'll have been waiting so long for. 

"-so sorry to hear that Matthew, God bless it was only half your arm you lost", "oh you brave man, risking yourself for our country" and "it's men like you America needs" were the only sentences I'd heard the minute we got out of the car for mass this morning.

Every worshipper and church goer were approaching Matty and giving him their prayers and condolences. Which is nice and all, but dear lord, give the boy a break! I don't think he appreciates the constant reminder that he is now pitied by everyone.

I can't begin to understand how frustrating it would be to see people with pity in their eyes every time I walk past. I know it bothers him too, Matty's just too nice to ever say anything.

"-and to you too Macy" some elder woman I've seen around the church grabbed my attention and I looked at her questioningly "my condolences about the piano too, tomorrow night just won't be the same without it behind the choir"

"Oh it's fine, I'm over it now" and I'd rather it not be brought up anymore thanks "but yeah, it's a real shame it won't be played tomorrow night. But um... Matty and I have to find our parents again, it was good to see you though. And merry Christmas!" I grabbed Matty's arm and sped walked through the doors of the chapel.

"Macy! Matty! Over here!" a loud voice called out and Cooper stood next to Max waving us over.

"Finally" Max sighed "I didn't think you guys would be left alone now that Paralympics over here is back in town" he joked and slapped Matty's back who was laughing too.

Max and Cooper were just as shocked to come home and see Matty on the couch having a more than civilised conversation with dad.

And they were even more shocked when he told them and showed them why he was home so early from deployment.

Blood related or not, they were essentially triplets and Cooper and Max had pulled Matty back to his room for a very long talk to make sure he was coping, feeling accepted by our family and was sticking around home for a while.

"How are you and that Billie girl Mace?" Cooper asked.

"You didn't tell them?" Matty turned to me, surprised I hadn't told the twins sooner.

"Well they weren't home, so no I never got around to it Matthew" I narrowed my eyes before turning back to Cooper "we broke up, long story, I'll fill you in at home"

"You better" he held up his fingers to point at me as the first hymn began.

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