Chapter 17

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The case of the 'church intruder' was finally closed as a 'cold case', one month after Billie's break in and two weeks before Christmas.

It's not like our sheriff's department could have found out who broke in anyways, there all a joke to be honest and deal with telling teens to go home after curfew and giving out parking tickets.

The church was without a piano for the upcoming Christmas eve mass and Billie was never caught.

I guess she was just first and second time lucky.

And as much as I miss Billie, I haven't really seen her around either which makes things a lot easier to deal with.

It's like I've lost a part of myself now that I don't have her around, everything feels foreign even though this is the town I was born in.

"Macy, I thought I told you to make sure the gate was closed when we left" dad said as he pulled into the already opened driveway.

"I did, someone must have opened it. Probably the Sullivan's came over early" I told him.

"They are out of town this week, hence why they weren't at church this mornin' Macy" momma chimed in "are you sure you closed it? Cause I swear, if some animal has gotten into my garden, I'll—" her yapping stopped suddenly.

"What's he d-doing here?" dad said.

"What's who doing here?" I asked and tried to see what they were staring at through the windshield.

A man in boots, khakis and a sweater was sat on our porch, a duffle by his feet. A man who looked like a much larger, older and worn-down version of my brother.

"Matty!" I raced out of the car towards him.

"Macy!" he lifted his right arm out to hug me.

I don't know if it was the unfamiliar yet familiar warmth, smell or presence of my brother, or maybe all three, but it was enough to make me break down into his chest.

"Long time no see bucket Mace" he whispered, squeezing me tighter to him "I missed you more than you'd ever know"

"I think I-I do k-know you dick" I cried.

"What are you doing here?" dad's voice broke our moment, snapping us back to reality.

"I'm no longer serving" Matty stood his ground "I've come home"

"This is not your home and you weren't meant to be released for another two years" said dad as momma stood to his side, her eyes never leaving Matty.

"I was in an accident" Matty let go of his hold around my waist to step back.

He rolled up his sleeve on his right arm and I swear the world stopped. Where his left hand and forearm used to be was no longer there. And what used to be an elbow was now a scarred joint.

Momma gasped and doubled over at the sight while I just stared up at Matty who just smiled down at me and shrugged "shit happens, it's just a miracle I'm alive" he hugged me again as I cried more.

"Is that really all you're gonna say?" momma cried.

"W-what happened" dad tried sounding strong, but I could hear the pain in his voice.

"Debris hit me in an explosive accident, and they had no choice but to amputate, it was beyond repair, I almost died, and they let me leave" he said bluntly.

"I can't handle this right now, let's go inside Amanda" dad grabbed momma and pushed past us.

"Well I see nothings changed" Matty laughed and I stared at him shocked.

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