Chapter 16

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"It's a good thing you hadn't finished the piano in its entirety" dad said as he sipped his beer breaking the silence.

"Is that meant to be funny?" I asked him seriously which wiped the smirk straight off his stupid face.

"How could you be so insensitive Paul?" momma scolded him and rubbed my shoulders, but I shrugged her off.

"You're no better" I told her with a glare.

"Don't speak to me that way Macy"

"Accept your son is gay and I'll stop" I shot back.

"Macy!" they both yelled at me before momma took the reins "we understand that you're hurting right now but you will not take your anger out on us. Pastor Rick and Father James will be here any minute, so your mouth better shut it when it comes to Matt, do I make myself clear?"

"Do you understand how bad of a parent you are being when you neglect your own child, your own son that you gave birth to?"

"That's enough!" dad slammed his fist on the table making momma and I jump back.

Dad isn't the type of man to get angry. After a few beers he is the biggest softy who will talk your ear off about just about anything and throw in some horrible dad jokes. Never have I ever seen him display any type of anger this way.

I don't think I've ever heard him raise his voice like this either.

"Pastor Rick and Father James will not know of the tainted past this family has been put through Macy! So you better keep quiet when they—" his threat was cut off by the knock of who I presumed to be said Pastor and Father.

"I'll get it" I shot out of my chair, but momma blocked my path.

"Sit down and drink your tea"

After Pastor Rick and Father James received their fresh coffees, in came their condolences for the wreckage of the piano and their promise that the sheriff department was searching for evidence.

"I just don't know who'd do such a thing" Father James sighed.

"A pained, tortured soul" momma tutted like the 'good' Christian woman she is "probably the person who smashed it up the first time too. Tryin' to get a rouse from the church"

"It's not" I defended too quickly, gaining suspicious looks "the- the last time the intruder didn't just smash the piano they burned some bibles and broke some windows, didn't they? But this time they broke the piano and left their weapon. It's not the same person"

"Is there something you're not telling us Macy?" Father asked, staring at me intently to detect a lie.

"No" I shook my head "I know just as much as everyone else, I tend to be in the dark about a lot of things actually" I said and that got me some very dirty looks from dad and momma.

"It's such a shame this happened again Macy, I'm so sorry. That piano was a gift to the church many, many years ago and when I saw it ruined for the first time it looked to be repairable. But this time- this time it's just in ruins" Pastor Rick shook his head and ran a hand through his thin hair.

"It was donated?" I asked.

"Oh yes, most stuff in the church is. A lovely family donated it when they first moved into town around twenty years ago after their first was born and a second child came not too long after. They passed away a few years ago, their son drops by the church every now and then, as for their daughter. Well I haven't seen them in years"

"A-and their last name?" I asked, but already had a feeling I knew the answer.


"W-when did they pass away?"

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