Chapter 9

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Surprisingly enough momma didn't even get a call from the school and I was off the hook. But I did tell my parents about Matty's car not working and it's been sent back off to Uncle Henry to look at and hopefully to be repaired.

And after Billie gave me her number before going home from mine that afternoon, I texted her to ask if she could be my ride to school until the truck came back.

So since then Billie has been my ride to school and home.

She's also ditched the people who hung around her to keep me company, but I also think it's because she's appointed herself as my personal bodyguard. Not complaining though.

No one has made a religious joke or made fun of me in any way. The only backlash from this 'new' friendship according to the student body are the whispered and stares when we walk the halls together, especially when Billie refuses to let go off my hander drop her arm from aorund my waist or shoulders. 

Billie has a knack for demanding attention without opening her mouth, it's just her presence and now everyone is painfully aware of who I am now.

Things between are kind of weird now though.

I've never been in a 'flirty' relationship, but I think Billie flirts with me sometimes. But I don't want to read into things too deeply just in case she's not and it's just her personality. I don't think I could handle the embarrassment of incorrectly reading mixed signals.

But there is a list of things she's done to make me think she's flirting with me and some of her gestures are too intimate to be considered 'friendly', but then again what do I know about dating.

The first being that she has a steaming hot coffee for me every morning, my order to be exact; medium latte with a pump of hazelnut. And  along with the coffee, a slice of apple pie! And she doesn't let me pay her back either! Always insisting it's on the way when she picks up her breakfast burrito.

Next we have the little touches, if I thought cuddling on my bed or holding hands with Billie or even hugging her for five minutes in the bathroom would make me explode, then I wasn't ready for the days to come after the hallway incident.

Billie is always touching me, either with her arm around my waist or shoulders as we walked down the hall. Or how she pulls me into her side or more recently into her lap when we eat lunch outside under one of the many trees. And even in the classes we have together, she makes sure to sit next to me and loops her arm with mine before resting it on the table.

But Thursday morning english almost made me shoot up from my chair and bolt out of the classroom.

As we walked into english, Billie dragged me away from my usual front row seat and took me to the back corner where she dragged her desk next to mine and placed her hand on my thigh.

For the whole lesson.

For the whole entire hour, and I wasn't able to focus on the content and ended up missing the homework which she found hilarious when I got in trouble the next day for it being incomplete.

And it's not like I could have explained to Mr Vella that the girl next to me who I may have a teensy-weensy crush on, was just running her hand up and down my thigh casually.

Next is the way she looks at me when I catch her staring at me, but when I catch her, she makes no effort to stop until my cheeks are flaming hot. When Billie's not looking or paying attention to me, I catch myself staring at her and daydreaming, but I always snap myself out of it when she moves to turn around or reaches out to hold me in some way.

And then there's our proximity. Not only physically but emotionally too.

I can talk to Billie about anything and no question or opinion is off limits with her. It's just so refreshing to not have to worry about tip toeing around controversial opinions my parents or relatives feel strongly about without listening to the opposing argument.

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