Chapter 11

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"Why are you so quiet today?" Billie asked as we sat under a tree in the yard at school eating lunch.

"I'm just tired, momma had me doing chores all weekend as punishment" I told her the half-truth.

When I left this morning momma made sure to remind me to invite Billie over for dinner tonight. Which I haven't gotten around to doing yet because of how nervous I am.

"Are you sure it's nothing else?" she asked, stroking my knee.

"Myparentswanttohaveyouoverfordinner" I blurted out in one breath.

"Huh? Come again?" Billie asked with a frown.

I sighed "my parents want to meet you and want you to come over for dinner tonight. They said I'm spending far too much time with a person they haven't met yet. Over protective parents you know?"

Billie's confused expression turned into an amused one "I really don't 'know' Macy, and absolutely fucking not" she cackled.

Now it's my turn to frown.

"As if I want to be torn to shreds on my appearance and the way I talk and act by you mom Macy" she laughed and stated very bluntly.

Even though what she's saying is very true, it still kinda stings that, that's her perception of my momma.

"Don't worry about it then" I said.

"Hey, I don't mean any offence to it baby" Billie was quick to defend herself "but for real, for real. I don't really want to be in a room at an awkward dinner with a bunch of bible bashers, one's enough in my life" she joked, or at least I think was a joke from the sweet kiss she planted on my cheek.

"Billie!" I giggled and pushed her away before looking around to see if anyone saw us "like I said, don't worry about it. I'll just tell them you're busy"

"Nah, don't. I'll come—"

"What? What just happened to laughing in my face and not wanting to eat an awkward dinner with 'bible bashers'?"

"I thought about it, and the thought actually intrigues me" Billie smirked.

This is worse than her laughing in my face, this smirk is a mischievous one.

"No! You cannot come to this dinner being a little pot stirrer. I need my parents to like you Billie or they will literally pull the plug on letting me hang with you"

"Just tell them your gay, let them disown you and you can live with me" she shrugged.

"This isn't a joke!" I punched her shoulder and she hit me on the leg just as hard.

"I was being deadass but whatever baby. And fine" she rolled her eyes "I will be on my very best behaviour, I'll even try to not drop any f bombs of the sort"

"Thank you" I ginned and blew her a kiss.

"Whatever, you owe me a bunch of kisses and cuddles for this shit. Actually you owe me like a solid make out session when I have to call you parents Mr and Mrs Coleman. Jesus fuck! I'll have to ask Finneas for tips on being civil around church folk"

"Finneas?" I asked.

"My brother" she answered.

"Oh right, of course"

Billie never really talks about her family.

I'm not even sure if her parents around, but I assume so because of the very expensive and large house they live in.

And although she talks about her brother all the time this is the first time, she's ever used his name before.

It's a slow, very slow process but Billie is slowly opening up to me about herself.

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