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Rain was pouring down heavily and made a gentle pitter-patter on the window. Akagi enjoyed a light music that came from her little earplug. She stared humming the lyrics inside her head and enjoy the water trace. The rain just the same like the night when Akashi barged into her house all soaked wet.

Suddenly, a pair of feet came to her view.

"The rain is quite hard, huh?" Momoi mumbled and wiped the blurry glass.

Akagi took off her earplug and briefly answered with a short "yes"

"It's a good think that sensei was not coming today. I am so sleepy due to the heavy rain." Momoi yawned and sat in front of Akagi. She clung her body on the back of the chair. "What are you staring Sei-chan?"

"Nothing.." Akagi trailed her words and prop up her chin with her palm. "I am just a little bit sentimental when it rains."

Momoi blinked her eyes. Stared at her ash haired best friend that looked at nowhere outside the window. Her face seems calm with a little hint of pinkish colour on her cheeks. Momoi could see a small curve formed on the edge of her lips.

While Akagi wandered her mind into her own world and Momoi observed her best friend in curiosity, a soft buzz came from Akagi's phone.

"Huh?" Akagi took a glance on her phone. "Oh it's a message from Anna-senpai. The schedule for kyudo competition has been released." She tapped her phone to reply when Momoi asked.

"Where will the competition be held?"

Akagi shrugged.

"Not sure. I am asking Anna senpai now."

"I hope it's the place where we can do something fun after watching your competition." Momoi mumbled. "The competition will be held on the weekend right?"

Akagi nodded. The ash haired girl took her phone again when the screen flashing a bright light. Showing that she got another message. A pair of pinkish eyes followed Akagi's finger which unlocked the phone and opened the message.

From: Anna-senpai
The competition will be held at Rakuzan High's hall.


Those two girls blinked twice.

"Heh? Rakuzan High?" Momoi mumbled.


Akagi shrieked and tapped a number on her phone. Put her phone on her ear and waiting someone on the other side answering.

"Moshi-moshi, Sei-chan."



"What's with Rakuzan High?! Why the competition.."

"Ah" Anna cut her words. "Rakuzan High chosen as representative from Kyoto in this competition, that's why the government put the event at their hall. Beside, Rakuzan is one of the most prestigious school at Kyoto with complete facilities. They have their own archery field."

Akagi bewildered over the answer. She could not digest Anna's words because her mind was currently in a mess. And her ability to think suddenly just disappear.

"So, ja ne Sei-chan. See you next week at Kyoto. Oh and don't forget, we have morning practice tomorrow. Bye!"

Anna cut the phone and left Akagi in silence.

"Are you kidding me?"

She held her phone and squeeze it like wants to break it. Her mouth was busy muttering an inaudible expletive that hard to understand.

"Sei-chan.." Momoi carefuly called her.

"Why does the competition have to be at Rakuzan?!" Akagi looked at Momoi in annoyance. "Why not just in a public place?!"

Momoi scratched her head that wasn't itchy then murmured.

"Ano, what's more important is that Akashi-kun is the student council president at Rakuzan. So I'm sure he will be in the competition later."

"HEEEE?" Akagi's face looked hopeless. It looks like she was in a state of wanting to cry and not believing.

"Noo." She shrieked her voice and drew some attention from their classmates. "Beside, what happened on earth that a freshman like him became a student council president?!"

"Uum.. Actually Akashi-kun is a natural born leader, so yeah, I think it's possible.."

Momoi saw her best friend's face and could not help showing a concerned expression.

"But Sei-chan, isn't this a good opportunity for you to show Akashi-kun that you are an accomplished figure?" Momoi looked at her. "Ano ..." She scratched her cheek at a glance.

"I heard from sensei that you are a talented kyudo athlete so you didn't go to public school in middle school because you certainly couldn't follow the curriculum. But, because I don't really understand kyudo, I don't know how great you are." Momoi added.

Akagi's body hung limply on the back of the chair. She held his head with both hands, then shook it. Her face looked upset.

"Ahh Satsuki, why did I need to prove something to Akashi? He is pain in the ass. And it's clearly that I don't need his recognition." She whined.

"He?" Momoi looked confused. "Why prove to Akashi-kun? Of course to make he knows that Sei-chan is a high quality woman who suits him right? Besides, I always wanted to see Sei-chan competing. Kyudo is a very elegant sport." Momoi clasped her hands together then twirled on her toes like a ballerina.

Akagi stared at her in disbelief.


ㅠ _ ㅠ

Sun is shining warmly and the sky is clear. Today weather was rather shocking after yesterday's heavy rain. It quite nice to think that the feeling is good though the air was still cold. The dojo was already crowded with students who were willing to practice when Akagi clung her arm on Anna's arm.

"Senpaiiii isn't it too much?" Akagi whined.

Anna exhaled a long sigh when she had to deal with her junior.

"So what do you want? You don't want to be involved in this competition? It's not like we can decide where the competition will be held"

Akagi shook her head.

"I want to."

"Then just practice! I don't know what makes you so worry about Akashi. But I think isn't good to show him your skill?" Anna stared at Akagi's eyes.

Akagi sighed.

"Actually senpai. I think I will hard to focus when I see him around.." She crumpled her kyudo-gi. "It's like I am being pulled into his mind.."

"Eh?" Anna blinked her eyes. "Don't say that you.."

Akagi swung her hand wildly. Tried to make sure her senpai that she has not that kind of feeling. She just not comfortable with Akashi's aura and such. Because it's too strong, intimidating and powerful that one stare of him can make her world crumble into pieces.

Anna patted her junior's head gently.

"Then go practice. Show your elegancy at the competition and make his world crumble instead." She said and leave Akagi in confusion.

"Tsk. Young man nowadays.."

KOI NO YOKAN [M] ;; Akashi Seijuro x OC | KNBWhere stories live. Discover now