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The last few leaves fell from the branch of maple tree that Akagi usually saw from the window when she spent her time at Dr. Shirakawa's consultation room. Her scarlet eyes blinked several times to convince herself that winter is coming.

"Ah, my favorite season will end soon." She murmured while taking a sip of reddish water in her cup. The tea which made by Dr. Shirakawa is always delicious. Somehow. Is it because she poured a lot of love into it?

"So.." Dr. Shirakawa's voice interrupted Akagi's reverie. Made her look away from the window towards the face of her favorite doctor. This time the doctor is not alone. She sat side to side with her sister.

'Jeez they look so much alike'

Akagi looked at it many times and still, they're so similar.

'But why didn't I realize their resemblance when I first met Shirakawa-san, huh?'

She tilted her head to look at them more closely until Dr. Shirakawa cleared her throat loudly enough to bring Akagi back into reality.

"When do you know Seijūrō?"

Akagi knitted her eyebrow.

"Hmm? Last summer I think? I met him while watching the Inter High match." Akagi stopped a little before continuing her words. "We accidentally met because I found his book. Then we met again when I gave it back to him. Then he came to my house to give my study card. Then we met again during the kyudo competition. Even we met again when I was on a date with one of his classmates." She looked closely at the two women who stared at her back. "There's too many coincidences that require me to deal with him."

Her eyes stared blankly at the ceiling.

"Come to think of it, it feels too cliché if our meeting called as fate." She said while massaging her temple. Her mind back to the incident that had just happened in Rakuzan.

"But if fate really made us meet, I want fate to bind us together." She trailed her words. "I, don't want to lose someone important to me anymore."

Shirakawa-san stared at her sister. Gave her sign to do something since she started to understand that the girl in front of them is not okay at all.

Dr. Shirakawa sighed.

"Seira, I need to tell you something about Seijūrō."

"Huh? What is it?" Akagi was caught off guard. She didn't expect that her personal doctor know anything about Akashi

"Oh God, how could you even have the same first three letter for you sure name and your first name?" Her grey eyes stared at Akagi closely. She looks frustrated.

"Seira, have you ever feel that you face the different Akashi Seijūrō when you with him?"


KOI NO YOKAN [M] ;; Akashi Seijuro x OC | KNBWhere stories live. Discover now