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She is a brave girl. Her speech ability is amazing. Smart and talented, but not a typical girl who likes to obey the rules.

Her first year in middle school made almost the entire school have mixed feelings towards her. Amazed, admired, jealous, hated, because she was too smart, too talented but did everything as she pleased. She is not merely a demure and sweet girl. Yet her beautiful face is not something that she normally used to get special treatment.

Beside, she never saw herself as a beautiful one. Until she met Akira, in a train that took her home from one of kyudo's practice place.

"You're so beautiful."

That was the first thing she heard from the silver-haired guy who has smile as warm as the morning sun. Her foul mouth and I-did-everything-as-I-pleased seems like disguised. Not because she lost it, but because Akira accepted it.

Could you imagine how weird is that?

The entire schools hate her due to her foul mouth. And now this sky-eyed guy told her it was the most interesting part about her. How could someone twisted her emotion as easy as one two three?

"Middle school is fun huh?" He asked in his usual cheery tone.

"Heh? No way." She scoffed. "We have the same difficulty as high schooler."

He laughed. Leaving a cute crescent shape of his eyes.

"Is your school hard?"

"Me? No. Shutoku is the best place I ever know." He said while sipping his soda. "It called as three kings of Tokyo because the basketball team is very good."

The girl tilted her head.

"Do you play basketball?"

The man in front of him grinned.

"No, I just love to watch it." He pointed to a large black bag behind his back. "I'm more into music."

She nodded.

"I play music too. Piano to be exact." She said. "But it's been a long time."

His blue eyes sparkled.

"What do you usually play?"

"Me?" She asked reluctantly. "I like playing classical songs. You know Claire de Lune right?"

He nodded.

"I really like that song." She smiled. "The fact that the original title for the song is 'promenade sentimentale' which means 'sentimental walk' makes me love the piece more."


"I don't know, it's like the emotions of that song is meant to provoke, as if the piece itself is a journey through one's personal emotions." She rolled her eyes. "You know, it sparks individual sentiments within themselves and make personal connections with the song."

KOI NO YOKAN [M] ;; Akashi Seijuro x OC | KNBWhere stories live. Discover now