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It's been ten minutes since they sat on the table waiting for someone make a move to eat. Akagi crumpled her skirt and stared at Akashi's father. His aura is as strong as Akashi. No. It's stronger.

"And, who are you miss?"

"I am Akagi Seira, sir."

He smiled. A very professional smile. Just like a businessman in general.

"What a nice name. Is it the same Aka as mine?"

"Ah no, it's more into 緋 (Scarlet), Sir." She explained. "Thank you for your compliment."

"So.." he started to slice his meat. "What's your relationship with Seijūrō?"

"With Akashi?" She wiped her hand on her skirt. "Umm we're—"

"She is my girlfriend." Akashi cut her off.

Akagi widened her eyes. Didn't think that Akashi will bluntly answered it. His father nodded while made another slice of meat on his plate.

"What's your parents job?"

"Dad." Akashi hissed.

Akagi touched his hand and shook her head. Tried to calm him.

"My father is a staff at Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. While my mother is a housewife." She shrugged. "My father just a mere staff." She added before his father ask more questions.

His father nodded again.

"So what is your activities at school?" He asked and pushed a slice of meat into his mouth.

"I do kyudo, play piano, maybe for the rest I usually play board games with my friends or something related to Japanese culture."

"Board games?" He arched his eyebrow. "What did you usually play?"


Akagi put her cutlery down and looked at middle-aged man in front of her.

"Shogi." She plastered the sweetest yet fierce smiled on her face.

"You? Play Shogi?" Akashi stared at her.

"I am."

He twitched his eyebrow.

"You didn't say anything."

"You didn't ask." She briefly answered. "So?" She glanced to Akashi senior in front of her. "Shall we?" 


"Check" He said after moved his knight.

Akagi look down on the shogi's board, she was checked by a knight, but it's not a checkmate yet. She rolled her eyes while thinking how to breakthrough that situation.

KOI NO YOKAN [M] ;; Akashi Seijuro x OC | KNBWhere stories live. Discover now