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From: Akashi Seijūrō
To: Akagi Seira
Come to Rakuzan today.

One short message came into Akagi's phone that made her sighed. Akashi is Akashi.

"Why?" Aomine asked while eating his honey lemon.

Akagi stretched her legs beside the basketball court before finally lying down. Today she attend the training of her school team because the winter cup was counting the days and they became the first players to face Seirin.

"Your friend."

"Huh?" Aomine glanced at her. "My friend? Akashi?"

"Who else? Is there anyone else who makes me confused like this besides him?"

Aomine shrugged his shoulders.

"Why Akashi-kun?" Momoi suddenly joined in their chat.

"He asked me to come to Rakuzan."

"Hah?" Momoi looked at her in disbelief. "Didn't you just have dinner for your birthday last week?"

Akagi nodded.

"With the most shocking surprise. It turns out my parents know Akashi's father."

Aomine spouted his drink.

"Your parents what?"

"Get to know Akashi's father." Akagi repeated her words while looking at Momoi and Aomine who were staring at her in disbelief.

Akagi shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, the universe is too funny for me when it comes to Akashi." She stared blankly at the gym ceiling. "I never even dreamed of getting to know him. Now I don't even want to stay away from him. Am I weird? What the heck actually happened to me?"

Momoi and Aomine looked at each other.

"Fate, maybe.."

Akagi saw the magnificent school building had begun to quiet. Because today was free week at Tōō, she could leave school earlier. She had already informed her parents too because she might be late coming home today. Well, anything could be happen if it's about Akashi, isn't it?

To: Akashi Seijūrō
From: Akagi Seira
Where are you?

From: Akashi Seijūrō
To: Akagi Seira
Come to the gym.

His message is short and very unclear. Akagi frowned. Where is the gym? The ash-haired girl tried to call the guy she was going to meet. But it looks like he is busy.

Akagi sighed until someone greets her.

"Excuse me."


KOI NO YOKAN [M] ;; Akashi Seijuro x OC | KNBWhere stories live. Discover now