Chapter Eight

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Beginning of Senior Year

For weeks I have been feeling dizzy and tired but I threw it off as a lack of eating. You see I haven't been eating much lately because everything I got ready to eat repulsed me. That's when Lauren and Vince started to joke about how I could be pregnant. Now they were just messing around but not me because I remembered that our first time together the condom had broken but Jarrod had told me it would be fine because you can't get pregnant on the first time.

What an idiot.

So without anyone knowing, I went to the nearest drug store and bought 10 packs of pregnancy test. Now I know you must be saying that I'm going overboard but I'm only 17, I can't be a parent, not yet at least and I didn't want to start a family this early. 

As soon as I got home I ran past my brothers and sisters and straight up to my room. Tossing my backpack onto my bed, I rushed into my bathroom. I quickly send a text to Lauren asking for her to come over. Placing my phone down I begin dumping all the test out of their boxes onto the counter. and each box had two test. My hands were shaking as I began to open each packet, laying the tests side by side in a line.

Instead of peeing on each stick, I peed in two separate cups and place 10 sticks in each 

I stepped out of my bathroom and closed the door, trying to put distance between the pregnancy test and myself. Sitting on the side of my bed, I waited for the results from all 20 test. 

2 minutes passed.

4 minutes passed.

Officially 5 minutes have passed and it was time to check. I took a deep breath, stood up and made my way back into the bathroom. The second I placed my hand on the door knob, Lauren came rushing into my room,

"Oh my gawd, I got your 911, what's going on?"

I don't say anything and continue to open the door. I crept in and she followed completely confused. Once the test were in eye sight, I head her gasped,

"Joce, you're pregnant?!"

"Damn, Ren, can you keep your voice down!" I say a bit harshly at her. I roll my eyes and begin to pick up a test.

Positive. Positive. Positive. Positive. Positive. Positive. Positive. 

I didn't even read the rest of them as a panic attack overtook my body,"No, no, no, no... I can't be pregnant," I threw the pregnancy test that was in my hand at my bathroom mirror and internally screamed,

"Joce?" I heard Lauren's voice next to me, "Joce?"

I sob and slid down my bathroom wall as I stared into space. Lauren sat down next to me, "just breathe Joce, maybe you just read them wrong," Lauren said quietly,

"I DIDN'T READ THEM WRONG!" Lauren jumped out of shock from the sound of my voice, "I'm sorry Ren I'm just scared. I can't be pregnant at 17, I have my whole life ahead of me."

I curl my legs to my chest and tried to block out this news but it has already engraved itself into my mind! 

Lauren began to rub my back,"I didn't it mean that in a bad way, what I meant was that we can go and get you checked out by a doctor."

"Oh my gosh, Lauren, what am I going to do!"

"You are going to stand up and pull yourself together, you have more than yourself to care for now. Then I'm going to call my gynecologist and set an appointment for you," at the mention of gynecologist, I let out another sob, "Jocelyn, stop it right now! You are a strong girl, you have the most supportive family, the most amazing boyfriend who will be there for you no matter what and most importantly, you have me. I'm not going anywhere and I will be the best aunt to that baby."

I nod and stare at the pregnancy test that was sitting on the floor. She always knew the right thing to say.

It's been two weeks since Lauren and I found out and I have yet to tell Jarrod. I know he should've been the first person I told but, I just don't know how he would react, especially since I'm pregnant with TWINS! Oh, right, let me back up a few days ago. Lauren accompanied me to the doctors and we found out that I was indeed pregnant but I was pregnant with twins. I was told that during the ultrasound, I had passed out.... twice. I wasn't surprised that this would happen to me seeing that multiples run in my family; you know, people compare us to the Duggars but in all honesty beside the J names, we are nothing like that family!

So now that you are all caught up, two weeks have passed and Lauren kept pushing me to tell Jarrod before it's too late and I start showing, so I agreed and set up a 'date' to tell him the surprising news. Well, that has come.

I made a picnic for us so that it would be comfortable and secluded as I delivered. We were sitting on the blanket eating the many foods my mom packed for us, by the way my family doesn't know either. We laughed and joked around  and just had a very peaceful date and I was saddened that I would be ruining it.

As we finished the food, Jarrod decided to lay his head in my lap and I began to run my fingers in his hair, just like I did the morning he asked me to be his girlfriend. I needed to stop wasting time and just tell him, so I spoke up, "Jarrod I have something I need to tell you."

He hummed and I continued, just ripping the band aid off, "I'm pregnant."

He burst out laughing but his eyes remained closed, "hahahaha stop playing games with me Joce. We used protection, so there is no way you could be pregnant." I remained quiet as I let it sink into his thoughts. After a few seconds his eyes popped open and he sat up straight, "that condom broke."

He turned his head and looked at me, I gave him a grimace smile and reached into my bag to pull out the ultra sound. As I hand it over to him, I noticed how he hesitated and cautiously took the picture from me. I observed him as he looked at it, he took his finger and traced the little bean on the picture. He stared at it with his brows scrunched together, so I lean forward and smooth out the crease in between his eyebrows, "stop frowning, you will cause early wrinkles." I say softly and his eyes shifted from the picture to mine,

"Your having my baby?" 

I nod slowly, "actually, I'm having your babies."

His eyes almost came out of his skull with the way he was stretching them, "twins?" I nod and he jumped up and began pacing. 

Oh shit.

He made his tenth turn when he stopped mid walk and turned to face me. He held out his hand and I took it, standing to my feet but he took me by surprise when he immediately bent down and came face to face with my stomach, 

"Hi there little ones, I'm your daddy." he closed his eyes and rested his forehead on my stomach, "I know your mommy and I are basically still kids ourselves but we will do everything in our power to make sure you grow up strong and healthy." he took a deep breath, "I will never leave you guys, I will always be there when you call my name and even though you might get away with way more things with me than with your mom, just know that I will always side with her. I love you little beans so much!" He then looked up at me and I could see the tears that slowly ran down his face, "I know that we are young but I'm here and I'm not going anywhere," I let my own tears flow down my face. I didn't think he would be so cordial about this whole thing.

I smile down at him, "good because we still to tell my family and yours."

His smile faltered and I understood because Jole was going to kick his ass.

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