Chapter Eleven

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^^Auri's outfit^^

Bethany POV

The women decided to walk through the garden so we could take some candid pictures because Aurora's parents wanted to spend some time with her before she walked down the aisle. 

As we were all walking down the stone path, it seemed like we all paired up. Kat and April were taking the front with little Auri in between them; Auri had a beautiful cream dress on that held a lace pattern on the top and a few layers at the bottom but she has this cute rose head piece that consisted of maroon, rose gold and cream colored roses, she looked beautiful. Then there was Bella and Cooper right behind them in a deep conversation and behind them was Jocelyn walking on her own. I hung back and watched as she took her left hand and ran it over the flowers as she walked by them.

I knew she was going through a fresh divorce and I knew she was hurting so I slightly jogged to catch up with her and I slipped my arm through hers, "hey."

She looked over at me and her blues eyes held so much pain; I knew that I don't know exactly what she is going through but I do know what pain feels and looks like.

"Hi, Beth." she looked back down at the grown as we walked along the stone path, "how are things with Vince going?"

I smile at the thought of my fiance, "things are going great. The twins are hilariously sliding little wedding ideas here or there throughout my day and they know we don't plan on marrying anytime soon, especially since everything we both went through but I actually enjoy it."

Joce had a slight smile on her face and I think that I messed up by talking about my engagement. 

"Enough about me," I stopped walking and turn her to face me, "how are you doing?"

She had a part of her dress scrunched up so that it wouldn't get dirty and I watched as her whole face began to contort into a fake smile but before she could say anything I spoke up,

"I don't want a fake bullshit answer on how everything is good and that your happy," her mouth closed and she took a deep breath, "I know what it's like to hurt and to be hurt, Joce. I know what pain is and I can see it all over your face." I looked behind her to see the group still walking, but a little ways away from us was a boulder big enough to fit two, "Come here."

I look at the women ahead of us to see that Bella had stopped walking with the group to talk to Cory, who pulled her to the side. Shaking my head, I turn my attention back to Joce and pulled her to sit next to me a nearby bench, 

"I'm pretty sure everyone knows my story seeing that we are all a close group of friends but there is something I did tell anyone, not even Vincent. You see, after I told my parents what my brother had done to me as a child, I went to see my childhood therapist and she helped me realize that it wasn't my fault. None of it was my fault," I took her hands in mine, "but that's not what I wanted to tell you is that even though Vince and I had decided to date and I was happy; there was just something that I couldn't shake. Six months after we began dating, I put up many fronts with Vincent; I always made sure that I had a smile on my face, I made sure to make my laughs sound genuine, I made sure to involve myself in all activities but what I realized was that I was depressed and I didn't even know why." I looked at her but her focus was on her lap. I knew she was listening to me even though she showed no signs, "I secretly went to see another therapist, I told her everything I was feeling and honestly, I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner but she asked me one simple question, 'When have you ever had time to learn to love yourself?'"

Her head snapped up and her eyes met mine, "after making the decision to divorce I never found the time to just stop and think about me."

"It's not just about thinking about yourself.. you see after my therapist asked me that question, she told me that 'you can't really love someone until you have learned to fully love yourself'. I quickly went and told Vincent everything, when he understood what I was saying, he agreed to give me space. So for the next 7 months, I lived my life as a successfully, happy, single woman who had grown to love herself. After I began to truly love myself, I started to notice that whenever I smiled it was real and not fake; whenever I laughed it was heartfelt and when I involved myself in activities, I actually was happy to be involved."

She nodded her head in understanding and stood up, "maybe we should get going. I'm pretty sure they have taken a few pictures without us but I'm also sure that they wouldn't be happy if we weren't in any of the pictures."

I smile at her and she half returned it. I kind of felt self defeated that I couldn't help her. So I caught up to her again and pace myself next to her,

"The moral of my story is," we were a few feet from the clearing and the girls, when I stop us both, "love yourself too Jocelyn. You can give all the love to your parents, your friends, your children but you have to learn to love you first." 

I point to her heart and pull her into a hug. I knew she needed one because I needed one during those tough times. 

She pulls back and takes my hands in hers, "thank you Bethany. It means a lot that you shared something so special with me, I'll never forget it."

"Your welcome," I began walking again, "come on, let's hurry before they kill us."

Once we made it to the girls they urged us to come over and the photographer began taking shots. To be honest I believe he was just snapping away not caring if we pose or not, which I love because as we were having so much fun I peaked over at Joce and saw her genuinely smiling and laughing. 

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