Chapter Seven

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^^Ellis outit^^

Bella's POV

I had just removed my shirt when Jocelyn walked into the room. 

I don't know why I stood clad in just my bra, watching the timid woman make her way to her station. She smiled and said her hello's to everyone in the room. She sat her bags down and a gloomy look quickly came and went over her face as the makeup artists and I walked up to her.

"Hey," she looked up at me and a small smile graced her face, "I know we don't know each other very well but I did hear about what your going through and I just wanted to say that you are really strong."

Jocelyn's smile faltered as she caught her reflection in the mirror. She looked like her happiness was fighting with her pain. I motion for the makeup artist to go and do someone else's makeup, so that we had a bit of privacy,

"You know, no one knows this but I got into a fake relationship with Cory a few months back but I grew to actually love that idiot. I even started to show him that I was actually in love with him and that it wasn't just a job for me anymore, but he did everything possible to keep his feelings out of this arrangement and to keep it strictly professional." I snickered as I remember everything, " but then my secret came out one night at a party and it made everything worse. I showed him so much love and I tried to make things right and explain why I did the things I did but... he still judged me; hell, he's still judging 'til this day." I sigh, "what I'm trying to say is that trying and trying and trying to fix something that just doesn't want to be fixed, shouldn't result in you punishing yourself."

"I'm not punishing myself," her eyes snap to me,

"Let's me rephrase that," I move to stand behind her chair and pulled her hair from over her shoulder so that it cascaded down her back, "you are getting out of a horrible relationship and it should make you proud that you were strong enough to realize that it wasn't healthy. You should have a smile on your face and not a forced one, we all support you and have your back. Besides we can all see the family resemblance between Jarrod and Harley so we kind of know who you are dealing with; we had a similar incident with Harley and Kat a few years back."

She smiled and looked down at her fingers, "thank you Bella." She took a deep breath and stood up, "I should probably change into my dress right now."

"I agree," I smile at her and whisper, "hey, being single is the next step in finding who you are and starting to love yourself again." I started to walk away but I stopped, "hey Joce?"

She was gathering her dress in her arms but she looked up at me, "yes."

"There is nothing wrong with being single."

She  nodded her head and headed to bathroom.

I made my way back to my section and let the hired makeup artist begin my makeup. As I sat there I begin to think of my own relationship; I hated the way Cory and I ended things and I have tried to reach out to him on the daily to apologize but he just ignored me. I wish he would've given me the chance to explain myself but now I have to take my own advice and take the time being single to learn to love myself."

A few minutes have past and the makeup artist did a simple look on me and I was also able to get dressed and relax with the other bridesmaids. We all heard laughter come from the bathroom and when we looked in that direction, Cooper and Jocelyn were coming out of the bathroom laughing at something. I quickly glance around the room and you could tell that all the women were filled with joy to see Jocelyn smile. Cooper knew her better because her twin brother, Jole, is Cooper's babies daddy. I just hope she remembers what I said about being single.

Once everyone was in their dresses and our makeup was done, Aurora did a once over to make sure everything was how she wanted it to be and in the end she glowed with happiness. As we were having a good relaxing time before the ceremony, a knock came from the door and Aurora's parents pooped their head in. They wanted to spend a few minutes with their baby girl before she is married off. 

So now we were all walking through the garden when I heard my name being called,

"Bella," I turn from talking to Cooper to see Cory jogging up to me in his black suit and tie, "Bella, we need to talk."

I  roll my eyes and turn back around to continue my walk, "you had plenty of chances to talk to me when I was trying to apologize to you but you decided to hold a grudge and continued to judge me instead. So no, Cory, we do not need to talk."

He grabbed my arm and spun me to face him, "Bella..."

"Do not 'Bella' me!" I look into his hazel eyes, "you judged me by the work I do but when I tried explaining to you why I was doing it you wouldn't listen. Instead you listened to your asshole brother."

He went quiet because he knew I was right. He hurt me by listening to his brother instead of the one who stuck up for him against his privileged parents. The one who had his back considering we weren't even in a real relationship.

"It's Colton and Aurora's special day, so please just leave me alone Cory,"

I left him behind as I rushed to catch up with the women; I am here to support one of my best friends, so I was not going to let him ruin this day for me.

When I made it to everyone the photographer began taking candid photos of us. I did notice that Jocelyn and Bethany joined soon after I did but that didn't faze the photographer because he just kept snapping away.

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