Chapter Four

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My mouth dropped open as I pulled up to the venue.

The location they chose was immaculate. A beautiful white house was were everyone was gathering but it was the large barn that took my breath away.

We all climbed out the car and I retrieved our outfits from the trunk before giving my keys to the valet. They gave me a ticket to keep so I can pick the car up afterwards. 

The location they chose was immaculate. A beautiful white house was were everyone was gathering but it was the large barn that took my breath away. The barn was the location that the the ceremony would be held.

"Come on, let's go get ready," I say to the children as we head up the steps to the front door, where we were greeted by an older gentleman dressed in a black and white suit as he opened the door for us, "thank you."

As we walked into the foyer we noticed it was really busy. Everyone was either moving into a different room or setting up flowers.

"Hey Joce, how are you doing?" Harper came into view. She opened her arms and wrapped them around my shoulders, since I was holding onto our outfits, "and hello to my little niece and nephews." we separated and she bent to give the kids a hug,

"Hi, Aunty Harper," Jaylen said and her brothers chimed in,

"Hey, Harper, I'm doing good," I finally say, "oh, and this is a beautiful venue."

"Oh my, I know right! It took Sawyer and I two months to find this place, ha, the things we do for our baby brother." We both laugh at this.

Harper and Sawyer are Colton's older siblings and yes... they are twins. As many of you can tell we have a lot of multiples in our family, that gene is very dominate. You see our dads are brothers and although my uncle married a woman with a 'J' name, they didn't end up giving their children 'J' names. But, my dad on the other hand, stuck with family tradition and named all 15 of his children beginning with the letter 'J'; hence why my children's names begin with 'J', I married someone with a 'J' name. I hope you understood all of that and aren't confused.

"Joanne, Jodi and I are getting all of the children ready for the ceremony and then we are watching them until it starts so everyone else focus on their duties for the wedding." 

I thought that was a wonderful idea. I look down at my kids, "Okay, you three are going to be with your aunts until the ceremony starts and I will be with the rest of the bridesmaids getting ready for the wedding. Now, Jaylen," I hand her one of the small suit covers that was on my arm, "here is your dress, it is white with light pink flowers so please try not to get it too dirty. Jayden and Jordan, you have the usual black tux," I hand each one the remaining two, small suit covers that was on my arm, "but your ties are light pink to match your sisters dress. I also want you to find me after the ceremony so we can take a few family portraits, okay?"

They nodded and eagerly went off with Harper.

But now that my children are gone, I found myself standing in the middle of the foyer alone. 

I heard a boom of laughter come from my right and I decide to follow the noise. Once I entered, what looked like a large kitchen, the sent of food hit me and my body buzzed with pleasure. I watched as the chef's busied themselves with the courses of the night and I can not wait to just stuff my face with food. 

The burst of laughter came again and broke my food fantasy. I look to the left and find all the moms and Grandma Maxi huddled around the nook area. 

"Jocelyn, sweetheart!" Colton's mom came over to me, 

"Heyyyy, aunt Vera," we hugged and then the next thing I know is that I'm surrounded by all the women as they bombarded me with 'sorry's', 'it's going to be okay', 'you deserve better'. I give them a fake smile, so that they would honestly stop apologizing to me, it's not like any of this was their fault. 

I just wish I had a magic blanket that when I throw it over myself I would disappear. 

"Alright that's enough. Stop crowding the girl, she doesn't need your pity!" Grandma Maxi hooked her arm through mine and led me away from the women, "Come on girl, let's go for a walk and I will tell you a story."

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