Chapter Three

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I closed her door behind me and took two steps forward to be facing Jayden's light blue door. I could see the light and I heard rustling behind his door, so I knew he was up and about. I gently knock on his door and opened it, slipping my head in to see what he was doing.

"Jay?" I look around his room but I didn't see him, "Jayden!"

"I'm here mom," I heard his sweet voice respond,

I move my head further in to peak around the door just in time to see Jayden come up from a push up off the floor, "Jayden what are you doing?"

He jumped up, "I was doing push ups."

It was six in the morning and we needed to get them to be at the venue in two hours and this little boy is doing push ups? What the actual hell?

"Jayden, sweetie, you are eight years old and should not be doing push ups this early in the morning. Now I am proud that you have taken a interest with your physical health but you have years to worry about that." I rest my hands on my hips, still a bit worried after everything that he has been through,

"Mom, I turned eight, two weekends ago," he took his shirt off and went to stand in front of his body sized mirror, "I'll be trying out for the little league football team this summer and I want to be the best!"

I watched my son create different poses as he looked at himself in the mirror. You could still see some of the scars that were left over from the insertion of the many needles. I was officially grossed out that my son had to feel that he had to 'look' a certain way in order to be apart of the little league football team.

"Alright, that is enough!" I walk over to him and stand in front of the mirror, blocking his view of himself, "go and get ready for this wedding. Your aunt would be happy if we weren't late and besides 'looks' won't get you on the team, your skill does and Jay, you have skill."

He groaned and walked towards his bathroom but I heard him mention Colton under his breath.

I rolled my eyes and looked around his room; it was actually quite clean for an 8 year old boy. Jayden wasn't the artistic type but he was my sporty one. There were posters of football players, soccer players, basketball players and even some people wrestling hanging on his blue walls. I highly doubt if he actually knew the names of these players but I figured the actually poster gave him hope of becoming an athlete one day. He deserves to have that kind of faith and hope.

I smiled as I made my way to my youngest child, Jordan's room. I was very proud of the people my children have turned out to be, even if they are still growing and being groomed by me.

Opening his also blue door, I caught Jordan walking  out of his bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist, well actually it was wrapped around his chest and it was so cute. Jordan favored me in a lot of his features as did Jayden but they all seem to have Jarrod's black hair, except Jaylen, she has Jarrod's every feature.

"Hi, mommy," I bend to give him a kiss on the forehead. His hair was exceptionally long and it hung wet against his face,

"Hello, sweetie, how was your night?"

"It was good," I smile at his innocence, "I took a bath on my own."

I laugh at my over mature 3 year old, "Okay baby, finish getting ready and I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast."

Jayden and Jaylen still have PTSD from the shooting that happened at their school 3 years ago and I try to help them by putting them through therapy but they still have bad dreams. Bethany had told me to drop them off with her every other weekend as she spent time with both Viola and Violet as well, since they all went through that same traumatic experience. I just wish I could've been there for my babies.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I make my way back to my bedroom, I walked by the upstairs balcony and I heard movement and a soft voice from downstairs. He moved out a few months ago but he still has a key and the house is in his name. I roll my eyes and make my way back to my room, closing the door behind me.

As I was getting ready for the day, I began to think about where I believed it all went wrong between the two of us.

Ever since I found out I was pregnant with Jordan, Jarrod began to shut down on me. Everyday Jarrod and I would drift farther and farther apart, I mean I have tried to keep us together but he would just half ass every partner building class I signed us up for. For instance, when Jordan was born, Jarrod didn't even show up to be there for me; my brother Jole, my mom and my sisters, Jessica and Jackie, came to be my support. He hasn't showed up to any 'Dad events' with the twins and what's worse was when the twins graduated their VPK class, they asked for him and I couldn't even give them a reason as to why he wasn't there. I swear, my brothers are more of father figures to them than their own father.

So I had stopped trying and began putting more of my time into my job and my children; they already notice how their father is absent and I didn't want them to see their mother that way too. It got to the point where I moved out of our bedroom downstairs and into one of the guest rooms upstairs. Now I know it's a lot smaller than the master suite but at least it's not cold!

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