Chapter Thirteen

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Twins ultrasound: Part One

I never saw myself pregnant at the late age of 17 years old. I always pictured myself, graduating, attending college with my friends, then getting engaged to the love of my life, marriage would definitely come next and then we would start our family. But being a Senior in high school, pregnant with twins and engaged to my boyfriend was not how the plan was supposed to go.

"Come on we have to get to  the doctor's," Jarrod said as he pulled me from my thoughts and proceeded to open the front door for me,

I grabbed my bag from the sofa and walked towards him, "Jarrod, if we leave now, we are going to be an hour early and the hospital is just 15 minutes away."

I stop in front of him and place my hand on my little tummy. A big smile graced his glowing and excited face. There were two other times I ever saw Jarrod this happy, one was when I wore his jersey to his soccer games and the second was the day I told him that I was pregnant.

"Being early is just a bonus," he took my hand in his and pulled me out the door, locking it behind us, "besides, I want to see what my babies are!"

"Okay, okay," I follow him around the car to the passenger side since he is very adamant about me not doing anything until the babies get here. I told him I would be okay because I was only 14 weeks along but nope, you can't tell Jarrod nothing. 

Once we arrived at the hospital, we signed it and was told to wait, seeing that our doctor, Roland, was with another patient. 

We made ourself comfortable in the waiting room. Jarrod continued to rub and talk to my belly, completely oblivious to the other couples watching and smiling at us. I didn't mind because Jarrod was the only male that wasn't on his phone or reading a magazine; nope, he was interactive with our unborn children. He was in the middle of the ABC song when the nurse told us to follow her to the back.

I did the usual routine by hopping on the examining bed as Jarrod took stood in front of me.

"Alright," the doctor walked in, "did you want to make guesses before I tell you the genders?" he asked as he took a seat next to the machine, motioning for me to lay down.

I looked at at Jarrod and stuck my hand out for him to take. He took hold of it and answered Roland's question, "We don't have a preference, as long as they are healthy, we will be happy," Jarrod smiled down at me then moved his attention to the screen,

"Very well," Roland moved the wand around on my belly and kept his eyes trained to the screen. Roland was Lauren's gynecologist who gave me my first ultra sound and I have stuck with him for every appointment, "here is one. Let's see if they would move a little so I can see....ah, there we go," a big smile came across his face as he moved his eyes from the screen to Jarrod and I,

"Well?" Jarrod sounded impatient,

Roland chuckled and looked at me, "baby A is a girl."

A squeal filled the room and we quickly looked to see an overly excited Jarrod barely holding it together. I laugh and respond to Roland,

"What about baby B?" Deep down I was hoping for a baby boy. I would love to see Jarrod outside teaching our son how to play soccer,

Roland moved the wand to the other side of my stomach and began to coax the second baby, "flip for me baby, just a little twist would do."

In my peripheral vision, I could see Jarrod bouncing on his toes with his hands folded up in a praying position.

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