Chapter Six

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High school- Sophomore year

I was sporting a blue, mid-thigh length, skater skirt and a white t-shirt with the word FRIENDS on it and Jarrod wore his usual black t-shirt and jeans. We were doing our chemistry homework in his room when I noticed he kept getting antsy and for some odd reason he kept touching his pocket. When I looked closer at his pocket, I could see a bulge and I immediately prayed that he wasn't 'hard'! When he saw me looking at his pocket , he jumped up and suggested we go outside because he had something very important to talk to me about.

So now he was dragging me through his kitchen where his mom had the biggest smile on her face as she continued cooking. We exchanged smiles as Jarrod lead me out the sliding back door.

"Jarrod," I laugh as we make it outside, "what are we doing in your backyard?"

He laughed as he pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around my waist. Looking up into his brown eyes that held so much love, I hung my arms loosely on his shoulders as I smiled at him.

"I brought you into my backyard because I had something important to talk to you about,"

"This important thing just had to be said in your backyard?" I look around his backyard then back at him,

"Well," he pulled back from me but took my hands in his, "yes, it had to be done in my backyard because every conversation we have ever had happened in this backyard. So in order to talk about this very important thing in my backyard would be continuing our tradition."

"Oookay," with our hands still joined together, he bent down on one knee, "what are you doing? Jarrod, I can't marry you, we are only 15!"

I pull away from him and back up as he begins to stand up and laugh. What an asshole.

"Why are you laughing?" I cross my arms and roll my eyes,

"Babe," he walks over to me but I turn my head to avoid his piercing eyes, "I wasn't going to ask you to marry me...not yet at least." I felt my cheeks heat up and I was pretty sure I started to blush, "you are beautiful when you blush."

His hand slowly ran down my face and under my chin, "just when I blush?"

"Of course not," he placed a kiss on my forehead, then on my nose, the on either cheek before planting the last one on my lips, "you are beautiful to me all the time."

"I'm ready for the important thing you wanted to ask me... just don't bend down on one knee," I smile up at him and he returned it with a nod,

"Okay, okay, I won't kneel," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a black box, "I had this made for you."

He handed it to me and I opened it. Inside sat a beautiful, thin, silver chain that held a silver ring. It was beautiful and simple. I loved how it wasn't flashy, there weren't any diamonds in it or on it and the fact that it looked like it would still fit my finger if the chain wasn't there.

"Jarrod, it's beautiful," taking it out of the box, I hold it up to him, "can you put it on for me,"

He took the necklace from me, I pulled my hair to the side and turned around, giving him access to clasp it around my neck. Once he was finished, he ran his hands down my arms and rested them on my hips before pulling me close to him,

"I wanted to give you a ring but my mom talked me out of it; she said 'Jarrod, don't get a ring you will scare the poor girl and besides you both are too young to make a commitment like that this early'... but me being me, I convinced her that I wasn't going to ask you to marry me, I was going to give you a promise ring. You see I wanted to make you a promise until the day I actually bend down on one knee and ask you to marry me,"

I open my mouth to tell him how absurd this all sounded, not in a negative way but in the way to say 'we are only 15 years old and we are too young to even be talking about this.' but he cut me off,

"I know, I know.. you are going to say we are too young and that we still have our future ahead of us and I understand that. I just want you to know that with this necklace, I am making you a promise to always love you, to always commit to you and support you, I promise to always be faithful to you. I promise to always respect your unique talents and abilities and to lend you strength for all of your dreams."

Tears were falling down my face as I fingered the ring on the necklace. Everything he was saying was so beautiful but like I said, we are still children and we shouldn't be making promises like this.

"I love you Jocelyn and I know that you haven't said those words yet, I know you feel it in your heart. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

I look away from him, disconnecting our gaze, and stare off into his neighbors backyard. Deep down I didn't want him to make me any promises; I wasn't even sure if I was even in love with him. I mean, I like him... a lot but love? I just don't know. How am I supposed to know what love is when he has been the only guy I have ever dated?

Ugh, my head was reeling and I knew Jarrod was watching me, so I look back at him and smile.

I might not be in love with him.. yet but I do like him very much.

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