Chapter Ten

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3 years ago

(Jaylen and Jayden were in Bethany's class)

I was in the kitchen reading off the list of things that needed to be done today and I realized that the twins parent teacher conference is at 11 am today. What that means is that I have to run all of my errands before returning to the school to meet with Bethany and Debbie. I'll have to drop the twins off at school, drop Jordan off at Colton's, run my quick errand then turn around and head to the meeting.

I had already set three bowls of cereal down on the table for the kids and I was currently fixing myself a cup of coffee when Jarrod walked into the kitchen wearing his pajamas.

"Good morning?" I say while pouring milk into my cup,

He didn't say anything as he picked up his cup and began to pour the remaining coffee into it without giving me a response. I wasn't surprised or hurt, I was just over it.

I moved over to the table as the children began to make their way downstairs. I smile at each one of them and poured them some milk; Jayden received almond milk instead.

"Okay, here is the plan for today," I turn to all three kids, "I'll be dropping the twins off at school and Jordan off at Colton's, then I'll run my quick errand before I attend your parent teacher conference Len and Jay," I point to them and they smile, "then I'll stop by the grocery store and pickup some items for our pre-birthday party with just the four of us." I sit next to Jordan and looked over at Len, "after gathering our items, I'll pick Jordan back up from his play date with Auri and we will head back home to prepare everything."

"I can't wait to hang out with Uncle Colton this weekend. He said he's gonna help me with my throwing so I can try out for quarterback spot," Jayden said excitedly,

There was a snort like sound that came from the kitchen, we all turn to see Jarrod standing at the sink with his back to us.

"Is something funny to you Jarrod?" I asked but he didn't respond, he just continued to show us his back and shook his head, "turn around and tell us what's so funny about our son wanting to become a quarterback."

He slowly turned, looked at us and the words that came out of his mouth were so cold, "YOUR son will never be a quarterback."

A spoon clinked against a bowl and I look to see Jayden staring back at his dad,

"Jayden is too soft and he got that way because of you," I sat my coffee cup down and began to stretch my neck from the pressure that climbed up my shoulders, "you spend too much time babying him."

"I wouldn't have to spend so much time with him, if his FATHER would stop sitting on his ass and spend some time with his own kids," I say, trying to hold in my anger,

I could see his face begin to turn red and his left eye started to twitch and I knew he was about to say some things that wouldn't just hurt me but also the children. I quickly jump up, "Alright everyone, let's go. Leave your plates on the table and I will clean it up once we get back home."

They scurry out of the house and I was right behind them when I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me back. I spun to see Jarrod's red face staring down at me,

"Jarrod, let me go," I say under my breath,

"I know you hate me and the feeling is mutual but don't you every talk to me like that in front of my kids," He pushed my arm with force as he let it go,

"Your kids? You literally just said 'your son' to his face and your going to stand here like you have some amazing relationship with them that you cherish? Bullshit, Jarrod! I don't just hate you, I loath you. I wish I had never met you, wait let me take that back because if I had never met you, I wouldn't have had these amazing children to call my own." I look him up and down and see how much he has changed, "you have changed and your definitely not the man I fell in love with."

I walk away from him and towards the car.

The drive to the school was long and quiet, I kept glancing at my children in the rear view mirror as my thumbs drummed against the steering wheel.

"Listen you guys, your dad is in a tough place right now,"

"Right now?" Jaylen chuckled, "Mommy, daddy is not very nice to you and he's not nice to us more than just 'right now'."

"Yeah, he doesn't even play with us anymore." My sweet innocent baby boy Jayden spoke up,

"Are we going to get a new daddy?" Jordan added,

I was shocked and hurt that my children understood their fathers actions and words. I didn't know they were watching, I tried everything to protect them from what their father says, but I guess I didn't protect them good enough. I took a deep breath and released it.

We pulled up to the elementary school and the kids began to pile out of the car, but Jayden halted,

"Mommy, why did daddy call us 'your kids'?"

I was about to answer when a horn honked, which caused Jayden to jump out the car and meet up with his sister, they looked torn and that is not the look I ever wanted to see on my kids faces. I continued to peak at Jordan as I was headed to Colton's house to drop him off. He didn't seem too bothered by this morning but I know that children show their emotions in a different way than adults.

I texted the person I was supposed to meet up with and canceled our meeting. I turned the car around and headed in the direction of the house, I was going to kill that bastard!

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